I’m on a 5800x 3080 and after constantly mucking with settings post SU7 trying to get back to my SU6 smoothness, I had a realization. If I’m able to maybe get 30FPS on average, why am I bothering to run at 90hz refresh rate for the headset when I could lower my refresh rate and bump the headset resolution in the Oculus app?
So I’m trying that now and experimenting, but am I missing something obvious for why that wouldn’t result in simply fewer frames needing to be rendered (and thus less system load)? My thinking is that would have a bigger impact on performance than SS, so whereas before I was at 90hz and 1.1 render resolution w/ 1.5 SS, now I could be at 72hz, 1.0 render resolution (which is the sameas the first notch of 90hz 1.1, 4128x2096), and bump my SS to 1.7 up from 1.5 for net improved performance and clarity.
Please telll me I’m missing something obvious with why I want to run at anything other than the lowest refresh rate possible since my FPS is not even coming close to it.
EDIT: I’ll have to play with it more when there’s actual clouds and weather and not just haze and 1kt wind, but this was one of the smoothest sessions I’ve had in a long time with clouds and most other settings on high or ultra, and terrain LOD at 400, in-game render scaling at 100.
If there is a “trusted” tool for benchmarking this stuff, and a right methodology for it, please share and I can try to benchmark for everyone.
EDIT 2: Please for the love of god stop with the off-topic replies. I’m not looking for alternatives to my Quest 2 hardware or the Airlink software at the moment. I’ve experimented extensively with this. The topic is purely about possible performance benefits of using the lowest refresh rate in the Oculus app. Save your suggestions for alternatives for other threads please.
I am on I7-10700 and 3070 Ti.
I too found that refresh rate at 72 Hz work better in my Oculus 2. But I found also (in my setup) that
work better to put oculus resolution to max ( 5408 x 2736) and SS to 0 and set ASW to block fps to 24 (Multiple of 72 Hz). Anyway with SU7 I found a performance degradation in my VR.
OP, I found that I get far less stutters in my headset when I set the streaming rate to 72 or even 60. 60 is the smoothest for me, by far. FWIW, I use VirtualDesktop and play wirelessly.
For simming use the reverb g2. Oculus just doesn’t have the clarity.
This entire post, as noted in the title, is about the Quest 2. Your comment is not helpful and degrades the discussion. I was not looking for advice on which headset to use, I was looking to validate settings with the headset I own.
Try Virtual desktop if you can.
Its amazing smooth and sharp.
Best I find sofar with my quest 2.
This post is about refresh rates and resolutions on the Q2 using the Oculus and ODT settings. This is an off-topic response. FWIW, I used it in the past and while I love VD, I found the sharpness and clarity of the current version of Airlink to surpass it, which is a shame since I’d love to switch back. But again, totally unrelated to this thread.
I hear you, just tried to be friendly.
I stopped using Ocolus since for me it is nothing but trouble. Even with my 3080z
Good luck with youre search.
Sorry to have bothered you.
If you are only using your Q2/rtx3080 for flight sims with Air Link then there is nothing wrong with using 72Hz refresh rate. It should allow you to push your Oculus app device res slider full right which should give you pretty good clarity. I have a rtx3090 and I find that the sweet spot for me is 80Hz with the res slider full right. ODT settings all default/zeros, except link sharpening enabled and asw disabled. Also, bitrate at 200mbps dynamic (form Rift home dashboard menu). I’ve found that this works well with all my games/sims and avoids needing to ever change this again. After that, in-game settings as per your preferences. I hope that this helps.
1.) I just find that 80Hz works very well with all my PCVR apps and I cannot tell the difference between it and 90Hz. I do notice a bit of blurring at 72Hz though. Maybe I’m not as sensitive to refresh rates as others seem to be. For flight sims this generally drops down to 35-40fps and still looks smooth to me. Fixing my refresh rate and res slider means I don’t need to change this for other apps. I have tried 72Hz refresh with my flight sims but I did not notice any significant differences compared to 80Hz so I’ve just stuck with 80Hz. No technical reason why one may be better than the other that I’m aware of. So if you prefer 72Hz, that’s up to you imho.
2.) Yes, smoother and better clarity than applying SS. Once you max the res slider (~native Q2 res) there’s not much that SS does except work your PC a lot harder than necessary, for me anyway with my i9 9900k/rtx3090/32Gb ram PC.
3.) I’ve found that Air Link with 200mbps dynamic is smoother than 200mbps fixed. You don’t have 6Ghz wifi btw. You may have wifi6 but this is still 5Ghz. As long as you don’t have other 5Ghz users (I kick everyone else to the 2.4Ghz band and disable band steering) I don’t think there are any significant differences between wifi5 (which I have) and wifi6. I’m also Ethernet wired to my 1gig router which is only 2-3m away from me. When we eventually get wifi6e 6Ghz and have devices that support this we may see some nice wireless PCVR improvements though. Time will tell I guess.
Like everything VR, your results may vary, and there are no right and wrong answers. Up to you to decide what works best imho.
Hah, meant wifi 6 It’s a dedicated AP and 5ghz radio. Literally only thing on it is my headset, and neighbors are far enough away that there’s not significant interference. Have you noticed any improvements with link cable at 500Mbps?
Re: native Q2 res vs. SS, I’ll have to play with this more. I’m not sure I can handle native res. Are you aware of any benchmarks that show the curve for where higher res outweighs SS? When would I want to use SS vs. higher res? Would love to see some definitive technical information on this.
I have a good Link cable (VR Cover 5m Premium Link Cable) and connected to my z390 MB usb3.1 gen2 type c port this works very well. Using 500mbps bitrate does make distant objects look a little clearer and the overall latency is about 10ms less than with Air Link (which I don’t really notice). Other than that it does not seem to do much to improve anything else, for me anyway.
Personally I just prefer the freedom of wireless with Air Link. Plus with my Oculus Elite strap with battery I’ve got more than enough runtime than I need (4-5hrs). If I need more I can charge this up with my 20000mahr external pack at the same time.
As far as curves go you can use either the ODT or OTT hud’s performance graphs to monitor changes. I’ve done this a number of times to check things like fps and latency. Up to you to play around and see what you think but for me, I’ve found leaving SS alone (0 default) and maxing out the res slider works best with my Q2. There isn’t any technical papers on all this, just suck and see, lol!
Edit; To answer your original question a little more clearly, there is nothing wrong with using 72Hz refresh rates with flight sims imho. This will take up a bit less gpu resources than 80/90Hz. In fact, if I was to ONLY use my Q2/rtx3090 with flight sims I’d probably use 72Hz myself, and my Link cable. However, since I do play a lot of other games/racing sims (probably ~65% of the time) I’ve found that 80Hz works best overall and Like I’ve said, I really enjoy the freedom of wireless with Air Link.
I mean I get same clarity and sharpness but less GPU resorse. For me the key for smoothness is the ASW to 30Hz (oculus block mine freq. to 24Hz). This setting worked well before SU7. Now I need to make new test, because SU7 broke everithing in VR.
I wonder. I have a similar rig (5900x 3080 Suprim) and I hit the 45fps easily with most of the things maxed out in VR. So I’m a little bit amazed that you hit around the 30 tbh. We could compare settings if you like to see if we can improve the FPS for you. Also I have noticed an increase in FPS if you set the Nvidia Physx to the CPU (wich is not busy during flights) instead of the GPU. Maybe that could bump up your FPS a little to.
I have tried the 72 and 80 hz setting but at 90 it is a lot smoother overall so I would not go back to a lower setting.
Do you use the debugging tool to change a couple of things on the oculus? Do you use the OpenXR from Oculus, Windows or SteamVR. I found out that Oculus gives me a couple of more FPS in VR then SteamVR does.
So it might be a couple of tweaks to get your FPS up. I hope this helps.
I’ve been experimenting with 72hz vs. 90hz. There is indeed a seemingly smoother flow of terrain when flying low. I haven’t done extensive benchmarks or anything but it is seeming to do just as decently, or at least not super noticeable.