I have all the “freeware” cape cod scenery and airports from flightsim.to (including KHYA) plus the “stealthy duck” cape cod airport pack (which I got on sale a long time ago for $6 but I don’t think it’s worth the current price of $15!).
Anyway, I’ve never had any CTDs flying around the cape and given your high-end system there must be some conflict going on. I’ve always read poor reviews of MSFScenerybuilders and avoided them entirely, but did you find their KHYA a significant improvement over the “freeware” version (aside from the CTDs obviously).
I thought the freeware KHYA was better quality than the MSFScenerybuilders version. I’m going to have to try the feeware version from Flightsim.to again. It’s really strange, as I never have CTDs since upgrading my system and on my very first flight out of KHYA, I get a CTD.
FWIW, I used to get crashes (or trouble at least) with the MSScenery KHYA, but not with the other sceneries I have from them. (They aren’t great, but as long as they work, they’re better than default.) I use the freeware KHYA, which is quite good, and you can add EnjoyItFly’s “Cape Cod” ground scenery (which is really a section of Hyannis to the west of the airport) for additional ground detail.
StealthyDuck’s Cape package is quite good in my book, and he’s in the process of upgrading all of the airports, which will be a free update to current owners of the combo package once all the updates are complete. You do get multiple airports for your $15, so it’s not a bad deal from my perspective. YMMV.
I’ve tried a couple flights to and from the freeware KHYA since and have not had another CTD. I’m hoping the crash was just an oddity. Glad I gave it another try!
I’m not sure if the new E is an abomination or totally awesome… Either way, I’m sure FlyTampa will nail it. Sad to hear about Montreal though. Hopefully the MK version is high quality. (FT said they were about “60%” done with Montreal, too…)
Their KBOS is one of the best add-on airports in the MSFS universe. Says a lot about them that they are taking the time and expense to provide an update for it.
I know. I put in my email and my KBOS key and it doesn’t show an option for 1.5 only 1.3, and there’s no talk of an update on the FlyTampa site (shrug)
I confirm this. I don’t think I have the FlyTampa install tool installed yet, I’ll check what I see tonight when I do that. I, too, purchased directly from the FlyTampa site.
“Boston 1.5 is ready but I’m waiting for Martin to get back from vacation to make it live. It’s already available on Orbx and Contrail. Marketplace is in testing. Simmarket and BMT will be ready in a week or so.”
So guess we’re still waiting for a bit on the direct installer.
it looks completely out of place IRL, so I’m wondering if they’re already planning updates to the exterior of other terminals… I got to stay at the Waterfront/Seaport Hyatt recently and there’s a VERY good view from there