Anyone has serious rudder problem after recent update?

My rudder goes like … wow
crazy zig zag …

Yes. I am on keyboard and the rudder doesnt go immedately full to right or left nor does it center automatically. Very annoying


OK I think I got the solution, no matter if you are using the keyboard or controller, go to key setting, reset the keys you are using for rudder from rudder (yaw left) and rudder (yaw right) to rudder axis left and right. What they did in the latest update was just changed the key settings.


Then I realized I am flying like this on cruise …

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Same problem

Confirm flight model is set to MODERN?

I have an old joystick with no rudder twist axis, but I do have rudder left and right tied to two side-by-side buttons on top of the joystick, which I only use for taxing and small taps to keep centered on the runway. Since the update, any such taps causes the plane to veer right off the runway.

I’ll try the remapping thing.

It looks like the rudder is working correctly now. Before the update, using the rudder was 100% left or right and auto-recentering. Now the rudder is applied incrementally without re-centering. I’ve mapped one of my joystick buttons using the equivalent keyboard binding “NumPad5” to re-center the rudder.

There is no rudder axis left/right under keyboard?

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In the filter on the left menu, ensure it says “all” not “assigned”

Tried that, but no worries I got it sorted by applying rudder to mouse (I use an app to make it functional). I thought auto-rudder did that, I should have had it that way since day 1.

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Autorudder in this sim is for assisted take-off, I guess to help keep it on the centerline.


Yes just had the same problem, trying to taxi round the airport was nigh impossible and then on take off veered strongly left and couldn’t get back straightened, had to abort. I also can’t see the alternative rudder axis option to map the keys to.

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Can’t confirm for them but double checked mine where I’m having the same issue and yes flight model is set to modern.

I think I have the same problem as well. Noticed this first when taxing it used to auto recenter when no longer pressing 0 and Enter on the keypad but no longer does.

I reported a similar problem, where my plane is flying straight while being tilted to the right for no reason.

I think the solution to the problem is here:



I think you are using the new (without telling you they changed it) rudder controls.
The new controls don’t re-center the rudder after you touch it. Follow this and let me know if it fixes it.

Search for rudder by name under the gamepad.
See rudder left (yaw left) and rudder right (yaw right)?
Click on each one and clear current input and validate.
Click on rudder axis left or right and make the input left trigger for left and then right trigger for right and validate after each one.

Asobo needs to add it to the release notes and the Q&A in the stickied post in General Discussions.


Seems a good solution but won’t work for keyboard users as that isn’t an option on the keyboard. Looks like you can bind it to a mouse but on my simple mouse not exactly high on unused buttons.

Yes, my rudder is totally messed up however, I am using an old game port rudder from CH with a USB converter. I though that might be the issue. I seem to get lots of spikes and erratic movement with my rudder, movements that are not commanded. Charles

I’ve just had some success remapping NUM 5 on the keyboard from ‘CENTER AILER RUDDER’ to ‘CENTER RUDDER’. Now if you press NUM 5 then it will instantly stop the turn and straighten, it also held its line on takeoff, which it wasn’t doing before.

Not ideal but seems to make it so I can now taxi and take off using keyboard controls.

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