Anyone recommend good grass strips?

Hey guys, looking for some good grass strips to fly my warbirds around, anyone have some fav grass airports that they use?

I mostly fly in the US and grass strips dont seem to be as common (although I found a lot of them in Florida but the airports arent modelled really).

I am not sure if this is a good strip for warbirds but I like Bear Island in Florida. Bear Island, Florida for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

There is a interesting little strip in Pensacola, Fl , which happens to be my home town.
This little airport has quite the history.
I have flown several aircraft types into and out of this little airport.
It has a Grass Runway and a Paved Runway parrallel to each other.
Here is some info on that little airport. I knew Mr. Ferguson.
I have a home on Perdido Bay, not too far from that airport.
Leaving Pensacola International Airport, you would travel somewhat southwest towards the Pensacola, Naval Air Station. Home of the Navy’s Blue Angels. The airport is between Perdido Bay and the Naval Air Station.
Ferguson Airport
FAA Identifier: 82J
Here is a link for interesting info: Ferguson Airport - Pensapedia, the Pensacola encyclopedia
Hope you enjoy flying in there…

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Here’s a tool to quickly find good grass strips: MSFS Airports

The airports with the green dots are grass strips. Shows the runway lengths too. Very quick and easy.


Hello @TheSn00tyFox ,
I have moved your topic to Screenshots & World Discovery, which is where people discuss places to fly.

I would like to know where that one is on the loading screen

Look on for “pieflyscenerycreations” and for “Thedukenewcomb”
they offer a lot of grass strips.


Although this is a good tool for seeing MSFS airports green dots aren’t necessarily grass and not all grass strips are green.

I’m not sure what the colour signifies but it’s set by the “In game rating”.

Some examples (In game rating):

Green dot (0) : 85U Soldier Bar is dirt
Orange dot (3) : 3U2 Johnson Creek is grass
Red dot (5) : C53 Lower Loon Creek is dirt

2D8 in Michigan is well done but you must download it:

Thanks for pointing that out. I noticed a lot of the greens were also water too before posting. Still thought it was something to do with soft runway, but I realize now color signifies popularity in the sim. It just so happens that less popular strips are very often grass!

Just a hop from LOWI.

LOIK by Aerosoft

I fly in and out of the Fantasy of Flight strip in Florida all the time, also known as the World’s Greatest Aircraft Collection, just northeast of Lakeland. I love the lakes on either side of the strip, and the “wires” you have to look out for along the highway. If you enjoy float planes, you have access to the lake to the west. The area lies within a lot of photogrammetry, although the airport buildings are generic. I do wish this strip had custom made buildings and static displays, but if you’re on PC I think there might be some scenery available.

I realized I have a great grass field already - Burning Blue Designs 1B2 Katama Airpark - check that one out. Largest grass field in the US and really well done with the addition of Barnstormer planes and a cool gas station you can pull up and refuel at! Exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks for the tip on the Fantasy of Flight strip in Florida - looks cool, I will check that one tonight!

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Hi im from the UK RAF DUXFORD is a good one EGSU

There are a lot of grass strips east of Dallas, TX, between Dallas and Mt. Pleasant.

There are thousands of grass strips in the US. Many of them are small agricultural strips, but they can be just as challenging or beautiful as anything else. If you go to the Midwest, a good chunk of public airports will have a grass runway along with their paved runway(s).

Pull out the sectional charts on and check out most airports that are an open circle or a circle with an “R” in it. In the western US these may be dirt, gravel, or grass, but once you get east of the Rockies and out of the higher plains, most are grass.

Like this:

All four airports shown have a grass runway. Hester and Wray are private/restricted with non-hard surfaced runways (both grass in this case), Bedford is grass, but public-use (hence the open circle with no R), and Schenck is public with a hard-surfaced runway, but a check of the chart supplement shows a crosswind runway that’s grass.

Some fun airports with grass strips:

Columbia, CA (O22)
Limberlost Ranch, CA (CA21)
Hell’er High Water Ranch, CA (45CL)
Ryan Field, MT (2MT1)
Stehekin State, WA (6S9)

I streamed a year-long bush flying series in the Western US that hit about every grass strip, over 1200 - there are some doozies!

Have a ball!

NZMR Murchison in NZ South Island

Shameless plug…we have grass (and dirt) strips every thirty miles in this add-on…

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