Anyone try the B-52 yet

Just wondering if anyone has tried the B-52 in the marketplace yet? I was surprised to see it this morning.

Probably has the same quality of a GTAV plane


Check out YouTube. Reviews are mixed at best.

Will do , Thanks

I reckon that if the BUFF comes, that the developer might be either TQ or Honeycomb as their bean counters discover a cost effecti e way of selling twice as many quadrants.

I would wager that it would be almost impossible for a high quality B52 to just come in completely unannounced.

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Nope, I think it safe to pass on this product based on the low quality flight deck

I’d be okay even if this was FSX Alphasim quality, just to have a Buff.

But the 1.9 rating and the screenshots show this isn’t even there, sadly.


You might check out and other sites, to see if any free ones out there. For FSX there is one, and it’s ok, but that plane is just hard to fly. Its slow to get moving, slow to get it to slow down, and at low speeds is just like flying a rock. That real pilots can fly it, and not mess up much is a testament to the quality of the BUFF pilots.

As aside, some aftermarket scenery in FSX for PMDY, will put a B-52 on taxiway, and it’s real enough that if you hit it you have crashed plane you are flying. The scenery for PMDY aftermarket is quite good. That is if you still have FSX. I also think there is a scenery package for WW-II scenery you can install for MSFS as I have the file on PC. Very interesting to see those planes 81 year later and sort of how that place looked then.

Several Sims have PMDY in their database, MSFS has it most accurate based on Bing and Google Maps I checked. XP has it but it not as accurate, as the trees at end of RW06 are not their now. Sure, P3D has it, but don’t fly it. I also have but unable to get working FS-Century of Flight and believe it’s also in that sim.

The B-52 might be the most complex plane to fly aside from B-1 and B-2, not sure if it works well to have AI assistance. Complex systems on that plane. Not sure if they still have/need a flight engineer, know it used to have one, maybe computers has smoothed things out. I did it while back but busy all the time as 8 engines to monitor, plus all the other things. If interested, several YouTube videos of real plane taking off, interesting to watch, preflight and startup unless Strip Ready Alert Bird, takes hour or so If I remember correctly. Strip Alert has to be able to be taxing in 15 minutes I think, maybe quicker than that. Sure it mentioned someplace.

Study level ? … :thinking::rofl:

SWS have announced today they’ll be doing the B52.

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Thats awesome Thanks for the news

MScenery is absolute rubbish. IMHO, worst developer out there. Worse than Bredok3D. Thankfully, SimWorks Studios has a B-52 sometime next year. THAT will be the one to get. I’d not recommend MScenery aircraft to a worst enemy.


unfortunately i brought MScenery A-10 without doing any research and if it was freeware i would have been disappointed. if you watch the youtube reviews on any of there projects they have not improved . and they have never updated anything after getting their money. Easily the worst seller in the market place and an insult to the good developers on this sim

Its by far the worst airplane on xbox msfs the cockpit is a joke usual ■■■■■■ cash grab noth8ng in the cockpit works… NOTHING…!

as said above - there is no way a decent B-52 Stratofortress is going to land in the Marketplace unannounced.
And for one that does, I would expect to pay somewhat more than 70 - 80 US dollars if I wanted a decent one that does all the Buff Stuff

…it’s only a ‘cash grab’ if the buyers aren’t beware-ing…THAT is almost always a two way street.

My major critisisme on this B-52 is that it misses the smoke-effect. Or do I miss it somehow, where to get?

Hanger Queen B52

it misses everything, it’s a terrible quality add-on

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Yep mscenery and Bredok are by far the worst developers on msfs. Il never buy another product from them.!