April 6, 2023 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


Well, still nothing substantial for Xbox users in terms of aircraft aside from the DC-6 returning which is a nice sight.

Back to waiting, hopefully next week we see some of the new aircraft that have been waiting on WASM support for Xbox.


Am I right that the roadmap goes all the way out to April? Now that is what I call planning! Good job Microsoft!


No update for the WASM issues? Was really hoping for some positive news on that :pensive:


Any word on what’s happening with the new Maule M7 ?

It’s listed as a new release in the Market Update but while the other new planes are there the Maule is missing (on PC at least).


To those, like me, who missed the DC-6 on Xbox before it was pulled, and who has heard nothing but PMDG fetishization over the past year-ish, this is a pretty cool update! Worth $60 tho…? :thinking:

Aw who am I kidding here.


so where is the Maule M7, cant find it on Marketplace PC

The WASM issue on Xbox is back. Neither my DC-6 or AN-225 are working. There are multiple reports of this on YouTube.

This seems to be recurrent. Could be a server-side problem?


the discord of Pilot Experience Sim is not amused too, but PESIM didn’t want it any other way, they thought there were reasons to release it in the marketplace first, they get that now :roll_eyes:

Buttons not working on the dc6 , I did everything according to the workarounds for wasm and sign in and sign out yet to no avail . Not working for me here on the series x .

As already mentioned how can you have a roadmap that ends in April and shows events from the past. A roadmap is all about the future direction and generally some time into the future not just a month or 2.

Where are the bug and wishlist sheets and update? That is the most important bit I look for and it’s not there.


Was thinking the same. No use to keep the old stuff showing. Just crop or chop the previous months.


To think i waited a year and a half after buying this dc-6 to be able to fly it and i was all ready to wildly celebrate today with my 0 alcohol beer and low sodium crisps and it still doesn’t work.

Edit ok to be fair some controls work with Xbox controller and some don’t but the ones that don’t can be worked with the mouse. It’s not ideal but eh. Also it’s been so long i thought the throttles were broken but the throttle pairing whatsit was on. Not entirely sure it’s working as intended though.

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The thing about dc6 (and many other complex aircraft) is that many of the systems are custom coded and not using default functionality from the sim, and for some of those systems, the MSFS standard bindings does not work even on PC. For example reverser in dc6.

And I am not sure which controls are not working for you with the controller, but i think it’s a bit unrealistic to expect everything to be accessed using a controller only. So mouse might be a must to use this aircraft and other complex aircraft, atleast on xbox. If you have a mouse and keyboard though, whatever functions are controllable using a MSFS binding, should be working of bound.

On pc, there is a trick a lot of users can use called LVARS and and custom events which are exposed by the aircraft which can be used to control many of the cockpit function directly without having a MSFS binding. But for that, you need a program like Spad.next, FSUIPC, Axes and Ohs etc which unfortunately not possible run on xbox yet.

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I agree. Get yourself a mouse for your Xbox. It makes many MSFS planes so much more fun. I ended up getting a wireless mouse and keyboard for my Xbox - accessing custom views is so much better, flicking switches feels natural and zooming in with the middle mouse wheel is great too.

Have fun!


The marketplace continues to be in a really bad place. Almost nothing gets released and the backlog isn’t changing. When is the proposed testing change supposed to happen? Hundreds of products should be released weekly, and it would still take months to catch up with the backlog. Developers are going to abandon the marketplace because at this point a developer has no hope of getting anything out there.


Maybe some help here for those on xbox with WASM/DC-6 issues

@SeedyL3205 any news about the Maule M7 on PC, its not in Marketplace, any infos or what? Even the Developer Pesim has no clou what happen here.

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In addition to the Marketplace sale, we are also discounting all editions of Microsoft Flight Simulator (Standard, Deluxe, and Premium Deluxe) by 25% for Xbox and PC via the Microsoft Store!

This is only for new customers. Any chance that the upgrades to Deluxe or Premium get a discount too? Right now re-buying the Deluxe version is cheaper than upgrading which doesn’t seem right.


I have a mouse for the Xbox but as it’s a sofa situation it’s not comfortable. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that even if a company can’t get their plane to work with just the standard controller they could at least add a prominent message to the store page saying that a mouse is required. If they had i would not have purchased this in November 2021.

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