Arcade players are annoying

So a virtual air traffic simulator, where only sim pilots that can fly the real thing are allowed? That seems a bit of a restrictive “rule” for an organisation that appears to want to grow its user base.


“Arcade players” are by definition players that play arcade games. Example: ACE Combat. Simmers are people that use simulators. Cows are cows and rabbits are rabbits. Load up the first release version of Fs9 without any add-ons, Just like Fs2020 now and tell me again that Fs9 is more of a simulator.

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His statement literally contradicts everything they say on the platform. I hope his intolerant mindset is that of a minority.


me too, I’m already checking out IVAO

Not heard of that 1

there is solutions… fighter planes who will destroy all who don’t follow procedures :wink:

we can ask pilots from DCS … :sunglasses:


not true. its there for everyone who wants to learn how to operate in a more realistic manner


If someone said this to me, the first thing I would do is spam the hell out of their servers…it gives a very elitist opinion on what VATSIM is. And although I admittedly only ever dabbled in VATSIM, even i know enough to know that this isn’t the case. Not only VATSIM, but even most r/l aviation professionals I’ve ever come across has been a steward to the profession, and have been only too happy to satisfy any questions I’ve ever had.


You could turn off multplayer and play with real world AI traffic? Probably gain a few fps too!

Vatsim is NOT for everyone. There is an expectation (hence the exam) that everyone should be very knowledgeable before getting into Vatsim. If I’m on Vatsim and witness something not proper, I report it. Is Vatsim elitist? Yes and no.

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Do you at least tell the person what (s)he did wrong before reporting? And maybe as well offer help or an explanation what the correct action would have been?

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Why is this even an issue? The airplanes disappear when you get closer to them.

Or is it literally a visual issue? Because you don’t like what you see outside because it’s not super realistic. Give me a break.

Fly the airplane the way you want to fly and don’t worry about what other people are doing.

Im starting to see why people think us flightsim folk are geeky nerds with no lives.


VATSIM is not for “normal” people. A lot of people there are real life pilots. And the people who are not take the hobby extremly serious. It is not for the 1 hour weekend game pilot who just want to relax a litle bit in his plane.


My point is, and the opposite as you’ve come across in your statement is: If someone wants to learn, what you stated effectively discourages the MANY people already on the fence about it not to give it a go. All the learning aside, if someone is willing to put in the work and treat it seriously, as it is intended then there is no real “threat” to your experience is there? I mean im asking seriously here, if you do something wrong you will get yelled at, thats understandable. But to kick someone off because they don’t have the experience to match your experience? I’m pretty sure I know how I feel about that idea.

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It just depends on the situation. I don’t help folks who come in there and disregard the rules. Simply making an “effort” and honest “mistakes” just don’t cut it in Vatsim. Any mistake, no matter how small, is treated very seriously and can result in suspension, just like in real life. Vatsim is not for everyone and it needs to stay that way.

you are just catering to your own ego in my humble opinion…its a computer/ internet infrastructure run by volunteers. Its in essence “role playing”…yes some r/w pilots find this useful as well as pilot edge. But don’t fool yourself, its just to add to your experience.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible. I think you need to get a life.

“Vatsim is no place for honest mistakes”. Ridiculous - Vatsim is THE place for honest mistakes so that you don’t make them in real life.

I’m signing out of this ridiculous conversation, the level or elitist intolerance is making my brain hurt.


yeah or that planes crash by hit an other.
Its makes me angry such gaming-pilots haha

the whole runway is a battlefield

man this forum is terrible. So many elitist hardcore simmers that want to ■■■■ on new guys, everyone was new at some point, get a grip and give new people help not moan about them


Do you read back your posts and understand how elitist Vatsim sounds based on your comments? It sounds like a hideously unwelcoming environment to me.