Are Asobo and MS reading our comments here?

What Asobo knows about the Target market for MSFS is mostly Irrelevant.

Its Microsoft Flight Simulator – not Asobo Flight SImulator

The Important thing is what Microsoft knows (or does not know)

Asobo is just a sub-Contractor (one of many) , MS hired to design (copy FSX) and code a new version of FSX, using some up-to-date techniques, and to take advantage of new developments in high speed Internet Connectivity, BING maps, AI and VR.

What surprise me, is that, being a Microsoft Product, it does not seem to use Microsoft establish methods of reporting application errors, directly back to Microsoft /

When this question was recently raised in a Q&A, it seemed to be a completely new idea to Asobo, and would need to be “investigated”. ?


Gamers will quit in a year or so, it’ll be the Simmer’s that will be with for the duration…40 years a simmer here…


this statement is exactly right. But only if access to modification of MSFS by this community and its 3rd party developers remains open. Even better if there is a genuine exchange of ideas and information between all parties involved.

You don’t even own the sim, or any of the others. Hush.

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They read all comment include others forums, just listen what they said on Q&A, Martial: I have read something on the forum concerning weather radar and the cloud, he explained after. Another from Q@A, please post on the forum concerning weather not connecting and how to replicate etc…

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There are a couple of those user types here🤣

@ExpressTomato52 I’ve watch the SDK Q&A and Jorg was saying they’ve spent all morning reviewing the snaphot questions, and for the snapshots questions he was mentioning they read all comments in each related discussions. This would indicate they do read our comments.

However, I can’t ignore how many times we’ve seen post-Q&A comments about how it looked like they were like discovering the questions for the 1st time when asked by Jayne.

I’ve one such example about LOD problems:
Community feedback towards developers - #16 by CptLucky8

And another one in today’s Q&A when asked about profiling tools, where Eric didn’t seem entirely sure what this was about (X-Plane embedded profiler) and his answer was instead about what he was mentioning earlier in the stream, which is the upcoming memory profiling tool aimed to know whether you’re over Xbox RAM budget limit (not just this but the tool is aimed for this metric mostly).

For info, here is the question about Profiling tools (posted 22 days ago already and quite to-the-point):
Will we have performance profiling tool that helps add-ons to troubleshoot performance issues?

Yes, that was a lost opportunity to get a relevant question answered :frowning:

That being said, I ended watching the SDK Q&A (VOD unfortunatly) with a renewed hope and confidence in the Asobo team. An impressive pair, and reassuring to see some others at Asobo, and how they function and respond.

Maybe next time though, put the Asobo team is separate rooms, if that would allow them to be on camera without masks ?
If they ALWAYS have to wear masks all day at work, as policy, I have ythe greatest sympathy for them


I had the same feeling. Alyzee and Eric seemed very dedicated and knowledgeable. And even Jorg seemed so much more relaxed in this one than in previous Q&As. He kept reading the chat and chuckling at some of the jokes there.

Was a bit disappointed to hear that they only have 8 people working on the SDK. Even though they said they’re expecting some new joiners pretty soon, that’s still a very small team. The SDK is the core of the simulator. The future of this platform depends on it. If it doesn’t receive the functionality it needs, or it receives it too late, we’re not going to get very far. So hopefully their team grows and they get the resources they need.

That’s the case at my place of work. Luckily most everyone is working from home.


Yeah!.and if you believe that…I have some land in Florida I could sell you!:+1::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Ok deal!

But if I find just one alligator or Black Widow, the deeds will be winging their way straight back to you!

I can assure you that it does. The crash reports are forwarded and collected in the Microsoft crash reporting system. With a product this large, it’s a lot to sort through, but they’re there (the minidumps, anyhow). Sometimes they’re helpful, for sure.

What isn’t presently possible is forwarding a crash personally, so that a particular ticket can be tied to specific crash dumps, due to things like GDPR.

-Matt | Working Title

To be fair, I play the sim for hours, and haven’t noticed that either

and the question remains “so what?”

What question?

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