Are cloud bases in new METAR system in AGL or MSL?

After a day of flights and sightings, it seems that the impression of clouds touching the sea observed by some users is an “optical illusion.” The base of the clouds being fuzzy and spread out, it looks like it is resting on the sea, but on the way down we manage to fly underneath. So, and after many flights into more elevated aera than the seal level, I can say that indeed and unfortunately the cloud base is set to AMSL instead of AGL. A rookie mistake :roll_eyes:

Completely clear skis above these clouds which I think are supposed to be SCT020 and the top of the FEW023CB.
Sitting at La Paz at 13500ft MSL so the issue is quite clear…

The FEW023CB is not a top. METARS do not report tops only bases. The CB is a specific type of cloud that is typically associated with a thunderstorm. They extend quite high vertically. It looks right in your picture, except for the fact that the bases are rendering underground.

Yeah thats exactly what I meant, I should be seeing huge towers. Instead I only get the tops of the CB clouds that are probably rendering at 2300msl


Ahhhh read it wrong, sorry. Correct!

Just played for the first time since this update, and I have the same issue - clouds sitting on the ground. What a terrible update! How on earth could this have got through testing? And if it is presumably just a simple calibration, why could it not have been recalibrated by now?

In addition there seems to have been a big performance hit (a big stutter every second or so), and all my customised assistance settings were reset to easy.


Yep this just ruined an approach into Innsbruck for me. Had VMC conditions by about 1200ft as the lowest layer was SCT012 and BKN030.
Of course, the SCT layer wasn’t visible at all and the BKN030 layer caused a huge fog cloud that meant innsbruck was never visible. I should have come in just below the clouds by a 4 mile final. Please fix the cloud rendering so that it displays AGL not MSL…


This is not a bug. You can go to airports at sea level and it is the same there. So the MSL/AGL thing is nonsense. It’s nothing more complicated than the new system just being rubbish.


Same issue for me. I got BKN033 and on the ground I couldn’t see anything, as the airport was at 3000 ft. Pls fix this

Oh yes, I’m looking forward to seeing those milky skies in msfs, not just those cottonwood clouds that are the only cloud shapes in the simulator.

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A quick flight from Glasgow at 2000ft ASL (QNH set) (Airport is 26ft ASL iirc) with live weather and METAR. Clouds lower than 3800ft and not overcast at 4900ft AGL. Wind and temps seemed ok though.

This issue was resolved in the beta. It’s worth trying, it works well on my end.

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it still happening in the beta too…and where they are not on ground they are still too low. Even in the last devs update they said they are still working on it.


Yep this wasn’t resolved in the beta. And in the beta the sim is still completely unable to depict overcast.


It would be a lot more obvious what was happening, if the sim could display the Real Weather being injected and present at any particular location (weather cell block ?) in text detail (ie Metar).
We really have no idea what weather data the sim is trying to depict, apart from what we see in the scenery.

As a start,
(1) when in Real Weather, why can’t the UI display the weather details, as it does in the fixed profiles ?

(2) Why can’t Metar format data be obtained from the sim (for the actual weather in the sim), rather than getting the data a RW Metars from the Internet, which may, or more probably may not, represent the data in the sim.

I wonder that too. This METAR thing only makes the weather in the sim worse. It looks the same everywhere.

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So the solution is to get rid of Metars, as opposed to fixing the issues ?

Another solution is not to fly, then the weather no longer is an issue :upside_down_face:

Yes, i found the option to not fly be the fastest fix/workaround for now. We have no option to turn METAR weather off either. Hope they fix it properly soon.

Just another voice asking for this to be fixed. Hopefully it also helps resolve the incredibly annoying, overdone, and ever-present ground haze that seems to be a “feature” of SU7.


SU8 and clouds are as wrong as it gets, nowhere near real local weather AND cumulus sitting on the ground!