Are Microburstphysics in MSFS 2020 implemented?


Are the microburst physics implemented in the MSFS 2020?

When not i would like to see them in the MSFS.


regards legendsy


I’m guessing no, and if not, I agree with you.

We don’t even have lateral wind gusts, until Sim Update 10.


I bet you it will be way overdone, if history is an indicator. Fingers crossed.


To me it’s much better with overdone gusts than not at all.

They can’t get real life gusts into the sim anyway. They will always be overdone in a simulator. Then they can improve those overdone gusts many times if they want to. But never remove them. They may implement a toggle for those and that is correct way of handle it for those that not want to have gusts in the sim.


I will reserve judgement on gusts until we get the chance to test it during the beta and provide feedback on it. I do agree that there should be a user-adjustable option of some sort, but not just an on/off switch, but rather a turbulence/gusts multiplier for example, which would allow for finer tuning.


There are no microbursts, no convective updrafts/downdrafts, no stratus clouds… Weather in FS is really a shame, it CAN’T be called “flight simulator”… Realism is completely absent in regards to weather effects… I heartedly HOPE that things change with SU10, otherwise there will be NO USE in having a weather radar!!



I am discovering the exact opposite of that is true.

I am trying to fly out of UUMO in a Diamond Katana, with weather conditions set to mid-day of mid-June, cloudless, no wind - and the thermal turbulence is so bad that it is almost impossible to fly!  By comparison, the exact same weather conditions set mid-January is much calmer and the aircraft is much easier to control.

Go try flying out of UUMO in a light GA aircraft, no wind, cloudless skies:

  • In a warmer month - June through September.
  • In a colder month - like January or February.

. . . and see what happens to you.  Please come back and report results.

Yesterday i was flying into an airport (cant remember the desalinator) but it was near Mannheim.

Whilst on approach at around 4-5 thousand ft, I experienced extreme/severe gusts and turbulence, and maybe even severe wind sheer. It was really super rowdy and a real test of piloting. It calmed right down to nothing upon landing, and the wind sock was almost static.

My weather or rather wind setting was very low, and the general weather was sunny with high level clouds. Live weather was off also.

What happened here? I have a year of simming under my belt, but never experienced anything like this. It was a pleasant surprise, and enjoyable, but i had no settings in place for it.

Is this something new? Or a rare weather occurrence builds into the sim, or some bug?

Any informed information would be super appreciated.

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