Are these sizes true to life?

I just came across this…ahem…situation when i landed my F15 and can’t help myself to bare the question☝

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Yes, it is true to real life. The F-15 is quite large.


Like 45,000 pounds large… Amazing that it can take off and accelerate straight up…


Jeez…It’s a Godzila compared to the others.
I thought that the G91 was big until i saw it next to the F15 :joy:


What are the types of these other jet aircraft ?

For F-15 compared with DA-62 it is accurate… more than 2x the length (68Ft / 30Ft) , you can check these things in Google, try

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it’s the T45 GosHawk
The Bonanza(default)
and the G-91

These are 30 Feet too… T45 Goshawk aircraft size - Google Search
The Fiat G91 is 33 feet Fiat G.91 - Wikipedia

An F-15 is big… 68 Feet !!


Holy s@@t ! :rofl:
@DEAN01973 is the man then !

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The F-14 is even bigger than the Eagle… That’s the IRIS Jabiru parked nearby :slight_smile:


Those are F4 drop tanks during Vietnam

Modern fighters are huge


:rofl::joy: ΕPIC !!
RELEASE IT ALREADY man ! ( kindly joking)

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Are you sure :smiley_cat: they reused these as boats ??

They might be from other planes, bit they sure are fuel drop tanks

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You can clearly see by their construction,that they indeed are

Topic moved to 3rd Party aircraft discussion #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft

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F-14 checking in

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That yellow thing in the middle doesn’t look like either a Bonanza or a DA62 to me… Kind of reminds me of the love child of a Mooney and a Baron. Probably just something generic that Asobo thought up.

really ? i dunno.I said Bonanza cause i sure haven’t bought it.

The picture shows a twin engine plane. The tail doesn’t look like the Seneca or the Seminole.

I’m not sure what processing you did to that image, but it kind of looks like a zoomed in view of some miniature models.