Are you guys an General Aviation or Airliners type of person or both?

Right now, mostly GA. I started with the 152 & 172 just so I could spend some time checking out some of the aircraft I flew IRL. I then moved on up with the Bonanza G36 Turbo, Piper Seneca, C208B, TBM930 and the CJ4. The goal was to be extremely proficient with each aircraft and, as much as possible, RW procedures before moving on to the next. I now cycle btwn all of those aircraft on a monthly basis. I’ll probably add the 310 soon.

I’ll add a couple of tube-liners down the road. Learning their systems is always a challenge and I enjoyed a couple of them in a previous sim, but with the strength of this sim being the world laid out before my feet, I’ll probably spend more time in GA.

Both - but it depends on the region and the overall mood. If I wanna enjoy the scenery I’m more into GA, if I wanna train systems it’s clearly the airliner :wink:

Absolutely GA. Preferably classic airplanes with propellers.

I have dreams about this one .

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All I flew IRL is single/twin and gliders so this carries over to FS

If it doesn’t have an FMC, I’m willing. Unfortunately, all the hair dryers in my hangar have FMC’s, so they stay hangared. I’m really hoping the upcoming Dash-7 offers a version without, since I’ve seen both ways on real birds online.

nothing more relaxing than an airliner flight last thing before going to bed. an hour flight mainly europe, pmdg 737 it has been for weeks now, love that one.

I like planes

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Started with GA, also have my PPL in real life so it only made sense. But then I got a hold of the FBW A332NX and am hooked on that. Would say I’m 90% airlines now

hoping Carenado gets theirs updated - they could even add floats to it - I wouldn’t mind that atall

You left out MS Walk. Think of all the sneakers you’ll be able to download.

More on topic - GA for me; vintage aircraft also interest me. I find modern jetliners boring.


Let me put it this way:

If it wasn´t because of the Fly By Wire team and the amazing work they have done with their A320, I would probably have quit FS2020.

My sim motivation is to recreate the flights I do en real life as realistically as possible. So, I buy the detailed airports (if available), use the same aircraft (if possible), and fly the same route at the same time of the day, under the same callsign.

Flying A320 mostly (it´s been ages since I last flew a B737 in real life), both NEOs and CEOs (really happy I have CEOs now with the Fenix, and can use the correct model I use in real life), and the Headwind A330 which also has to be used in place of Iberia´s wonderful A350 until somebody releases that model. Even if I´m an Airbus person, I really love the B787 for long haul flights in real life, so I should give it a little more love in the sim.

I know pretending to fly a cessna in the sim wouldn´t be as far fetched as dreaming your are in the left seat of an A330, but hey!, it´s fun to pretend, so go big!

IFR in high performance GA aircraft for me, preferably with as little glass as possible. Honestly, even a single GNS530 is more than I’d like, but almost unavoidable (we really need an aircraft with a Garmin 155 or a KLN89🙏).

To me, there’s nothing more fun and challenging than manually flying DME arcs, LOC backcourses, NDB approaches and more, in soupy weather, with nothing but raw data on a panel full of steam gauges.

Unfortunately there seems to be a void in this area, everyone wants a G750/1000/3000 in all their aircraft. Where’s the variety in that?

I’d love someone to develop aircraft along the lines of the old Digital Aviation Cheyenne or AeroWorx King Air.


Caribbean. Trust me.

Been there, done that. Lol

You nailed it.

Airliners mainly. I also like the cessna
Citation Longitude, and the Diamod GA aircraft. Fun for Island hopping in the caribbean👌The hard part is learning all the cockpits and procedures for the different aircraft, but that what makes it fun.

Occasionally regional airliner flights to practice IFR, but I like looking at the scenery so it’s mostly GA. Set up a series of short hops, 50-100 miles or so, all touch-and-go landings and VFR handflying. I’m also a fan of the fighter jets, especially flying low along coastlines and through canyons.

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I don’t like going by bus. Neither as a passenger nor as a driver. I like my own car on the road.

This one would be very bland without accu-sim :wink: And awesome with it.