Are you guys an General Aviation or Airliners type of person or both?

I mostly fly either the Longitude or Citation CJ4 WT, the TBM occasionally, the C172 on rare occasions. It’s hard slowing down that much, though. :slight_smile:

I do intend to train up on an airliner soon, probably the A320, as the Citations are getting a bit routine for me.

Both for me. Just depends on the mood. I’ll go through phases where I favor one more over the other, but eventually I love getting back to whichever I haven’t been flying :sunglasses:

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2/3 GA 1/3 Bizjet - Airliners

So if you do both is it GAirliners ?

Clearly VFR because after 25 years of flight simming I had to look on YouTube this morning if the ILS transmitter is on the beginning of the runway, or at the end… :smiley: (for writing down the ILS-frequency after switching on the NAVAIDS filter in the world map)

For the sake of the perfect Fenix! Finally flying at night and through dense rain and fog and feel fully safe and secure because of the superior Airbus autoland feature.

General aviation all the way. I’ve never had any interest in airliners.

I’m using both. They should be as complex as possible :slight_smile:

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What really is a downer is there is no AFIS at the provincial fields.

GA the whole way for me. For me this is true flying (although simulated!!). I find flying the airliners so tedious and boring. Being in a piper or staggerwing and flying low and slow, navigating your way across world using only radio navigation, this is what I find so satisfying. But, each to their own.

The Citation Longitude is my day job, so I just stick to it, have around 540 hours on it as of this posting.

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Only GA at the moment but only because I am learning to fly like you would in real life, start with the small stuff, get competent with that then work up.

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Fly GA until jetliners start to sound impossibly fun. Then fly jetliners until GA starts to sound impossibly fun. Amazing that these different experiences are both recreated so faithfully in the same simulator.

GA all the way so far. Flew a couple of twins once or twice. No “bigs”. I like the scenery and weather.

I would fly helicopters if there were any in the sim.

I absolutely love aviation so honestly anything taking your feet off the ground and making your spirit set free upon the skies is a huge win.

I started my aviation in real life with becoming a glider pilot and to this day the sound of the air over the wings amd cockpit is with me as I felt free like the birds.

But I agree a healthy mix of GA and Jetliners is great to keep you enjoying flight and to keep your skills up. Having many friends that are pilots in real life love the hustle of the commercial flights but when wanting to relax and not be stressed by airlines and timelines will fly their private planes that are GA.

Happy flying everyone.

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Loved aviation since I was a kid always went to the airport to spot. I’m really more of a jetliner guy since I live under the final approach and take off route to Liverpool airport. I’m nearly always flying the jetliners and following real world routes with the respective liveries . If I do use GA its normally to just mess around in and try a bit of reckless flying, or getting good views of points of interest or photogrammetry cities

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I fly it all in the sim. I go through phases, but generally I stick with GA stuff. I find it more fun in general. But, then I get in the mood to fly the 737 and I enjoy that alot. Sometimes fast jets… helis… its all good.

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There are some! Some good free ones too.

General Aviation or Airliners specifies the type of flying, not the type of aircraft. For example, the PMDG 737 Boeing Business Jet (BBJ), is roughly speaking, a “General Aviation” aircraft as real-world operations with type are not on a commercial air transport basis.

With that said, I trend toward General Aviation of all sizes, from the simple Cessna 152 through the 737 BBJ. Regardless of type though, I tend to operate out of medium or large airports with an airline presence as I enjoy the live traffic option in MSFS (with model matching through AIG). My most recent flight is with a non-airliner livery on the Britten-Norman Trislander into a major intl airport with a busy evening schedule.

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Whatever you call it, GA or GB, the sim is a scenery simulator and GA, as it appears to be used in this forum, would be small, non-commercial planes, as opposed to big, commercial airliners. We’re not all “real life pilots” here.

I do it all…. GA, Commercial, Mil-Ops…. And just farting around…. :slight_smile: There is so much to see and do in this sim, and learning something new is part of the adventure. :slight_smile:

AND and I cannot wait for MS Sail Simulator. LOL. Nothing like sailing along the coastline watching aircraft land and takeoff…

PS. I can never remember, is it the vessel on a Starboard Tack that has the right-of-way?