Asobo A320-neo Navigation Displayer(ND) showing nothing after setting F-plan

Hello guys,

I am using PC to run MSFS2020 (downloaded from Xbox store in pc).
The original (Asobo) A320-neo model in the simulator is really confusing.
Like I setted the flight plan in the world map (from EGGP to EDDF), but I could see nothing showing in the ND (see attached screenshot of the cockpit), no green guiding line nor waypoint. It’s totally unusable.
I bought the FS Academy Jetliner from the Market, and the training course was built based on the Asobo A320-neo. It’s impossibel to finished the course without a normal functional ND!

Yesterday I spent the whole day re-installing the whole simulator, and the issue remained unchanged, which was very frustrated.

Does anybody has the same issue? Is it a bug or just I missed some steps to correctly configure the ND? I would be very grateful if any user in here could help :grinning:

BTW, I have posted this problem in Bug Reporting Hub, but received no answer from the offical staff, which is quite disappointing :frowning:

Hmm, I can’t answer your specific question. I would guess very few PC owners fly the stock A320. It’s poorly simulated, and will be basically replaced in a future sim update by an iniBuilds A320neo.

Most PC users today either fly the very good and free FlyByWire A320neo, or the paypare study-level Fenix A320ceo.

You could try one of those options.

thanks BigCow, I have downloaded FBW A32NX and it works well.
But I really want to take the FS Academy course of JetLiner, it’s a good step by step tutorial for a newbie like me. Or do you have any optional suggestion of Flying toturial for jetliners?

My personal method was lots and lots of YouTube videos, then fly. There’s probably videos out there for MSFS and the FBW A320 for just about anything related to normal operations you could ever want.

I have just found out that if I use MCDU to input the F-plan, the green guiding line will appear. So I assume that the world map planning result does obtained by the MCDU, but the MCDU failed to convey information to ND.

Yes I will watch tons of videos in youtube :grin:
but I still want to know what happens to my simulator and the model. I think most of your orginal Asobo A320-neo works normally.

When did it last work properly? Was it before the last SU? If so, it’s a genuine bug. Or does it only not work in your training course, in which case it’s that.

I fly that plane a lot, but my sim is broken at the moment, so I can’t check, and I won’t be able to fix it till after the Xmas shenanigans.

Based on the screenshot provided, the nav line would be off screen as your next waypoint is about 100 degrees off to the left of your nose, so it makes sense to not see it yet. Does the line still not eventually appear as you turn the jet on the ground?

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This is your answer. Your first waypoint is the opposite direction and you’re probably not using a SID.

Btw I fly the default A320. I’m on Xbox. I think it flies beautiful and maybe too easily. But it’s all we got until the new one coming.

It never work properly since the first time I use A320NEO recently.

why your sim broken? You may fix it in window setting-application-installed applications

@Raynen @DanDaredum
You are both right! now the green waypoint comes out!

But the waypoints missing issue in FS Academy JetLiner (which I bought from the market) is still on(see screenshot as below in Jetliner lesson 5)

and you may found abnormal distance (2621 NM in the upper right of ND) from my A320NEO to next waypoint ROCAN. Than I used Little Navmap to measure the distance from my current postion to ROCAN which indicates 14.5NM (see screenshot as below)

And I watch the tutorial Video (Jetliner Lesson 5) in Youtube, the waypoints are normally displayed in ND throughout the whole lesson and the distance figure to the next waypoint is correct. (see screenshot as below)

what do you sugguest? is it an issue for FS Academy Jetliner?(I have removed the Navigraph AIRAC before running the simulator)

I’m not familiar with FS Academy.

That sounds like it might be the UTF-8 bug.

Coool! :+1::+1::+1: :grin:
I followed your instruction and set the Language to English(America), and all waypoint s are now on the ND. Thank you for your great help!