Asobo ATR 42-600/72-600

$12.99 for me due i own the premium deluxe version

And it was immediately closed again


I had 60usd on the line to pay for this bird but oh well can’t complain about the 12.99 price tag. Downloading!

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I’m not sure I’ve seen one, I noticed somewhere a co-route exist so I wonder if its similar to the CRJ made by the same guy, but I haven’t found where to put the flight plans.

Edit: Probably here?


Marketplace had another update. It’s now 12.99€ for me. Glad I had the patience!

How long is the offer on for?

Was going to wait a bit for reviews and feedback on here before I buy.

The 33% discount is the offer price is for owners of deluxe/premium sim package. The ‘offer’ is permanent for those owners. Same goes for every other Asobo released aircraft I think.


It’s not an offer, it’s going forward on all “Asobo” aircraft for the foreseeable future.

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The window heating elements for de-icing?

Still no ATR for me in MP and MP is now offline. They are messing with my anticipation! :laughing:

EDIT. Oh, it just showed up!


Official discussion thread now open: