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Brief description of the issue:
Approximately 50% of the time I am assigned an incorrect runway to land versus weather conditions as reported by ATIS, in-sim METAR in Fenix, and SimBrief weather upon departure (which appears to all align).
Example: Just completed KIAH-KDEN. Upon departure, my plan called for arriving ILS 35R, forecast in KDEN was winds 310/10. During flight, approaching descent I rechecked the METAR in Fenix EFB and got 340/7. I had my arrival and runways planned accordingly (35R). On descent, ATC came on and directed me to 17R. I reentered arrival and followed the correct route to ILS 17R. As I’m landing, the in-sim winds are still indicated as being from the north (now pushing me).
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
- Pre-file an IFR flight plan with SimBrief using an airliner that provides in-flight winds on the MFD. Ensure you are set to NOT force the sim to keep the runway according to plan (use live traffic [I use FSLTL]). 2. Note the forecast runway and winds. 3. Complete the flight using in-sim ATC and note the runway it assigns on arrival. 4. In approximately 50% of the flights you make, you will be landing with the wind at your back.
PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Most current with all world/sim updates applied.
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