ATC keeps telling me to please expedite my climb to my assigned altitude

In my case its 36,000 feet the problem is I’m on the assigned altitude but it thinks I’m not what the heck is going on and the azure servers that are used to control the ATC voices seem to be offline just thought I’d mention that too in my post


Yes, i had the same. After the hotfix today, the preasure bug is not fixed.


Glad I’m not the only one noticing this so what should i do about it at the moment it doesn’t seem to be affecting my flight overall on the xbox side of things i have yet to fully master the controls on there but I’ll get the hang of it someday the frame rate was pretty smooth on it though


Yep this is still hanging around…


Same Here, before the hotfix is was ok. Same Plane and Route.

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Here too. I had to climb an extra 1000’ to make ATC happy.

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Anyone else has this issue plus an issue where the speed goes from good to suddenly way overspeed?

By the way which is the best peripheral to use flight simulator on the xbox series x a game controller a mouse or a keyboard or a joystick

I would look at the T-Flight HOTAS One.

Looks like the expedite your climb to the assigned altitude bug may have been resolved i was never prompted during my short flight from Seattle to Vancouver and even more amazing i can fly just as well using my xbox controller

I just started having this problem, came here looking for a solution but it’s still driving me crazy. Just going to end up disabling ATC entirely.

I was having this same issue. Discovered that it was related to my Barometric pressure being set incorrectly causing the altitude to register incorrectly. In my case, my altitude was showing as 1,000 feet below what I should be at. So when ATC kept telling me to expedite my climb to FL200, I changed my FL to FL210 - and they recognized me being at FL200… So that’s my fix until I figure out this barametric thing

I am having this problem and it’s not my baro, I was. Tapping b to make sure it was set. It seems like 800 to 1000 feet off. This is after the hotfix to sim update 5. Has been happening for last two days thought I was crazy thought I’d google to see if other having the issue. And glad to see I’m not crazy

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Anyone found a fix for “please expedite your climb to xx,xxx” when baro is accurate and altitude is displaying true to baro? Note: this is new after the update for me on PC.


Known bug being worked on. Note it affects both built-in ATC and external networks like VATSIM. For AI ATC, simplest workaround is to not fly with live weather, but with one of the custom presets.

I turn off live weather when ascending above FL140 and turn it back on when descending below FL180

Yes I had this problem on my 86 minute flight from Boise to John Wayne/Orange County in the Longitude. Flight plan called for FL430 and I had to go up to FL455 before ATC stopped bothering me. And even then it was still messed up. But I did receive proper descent instructions.

Had this same issue yesterday on my flight form Grand Junction to Telluride. I just adjusted my barometer and ascended till ATC stopped bothering me.

Found this bug on a morning flight from Istanbul to Ankara. Thanks for the workaround - I’ll use it for the return flight!

It also happens with AI ATC and custom preset.