Good morning all! Most probably haven’t discovered this, but in the SU5 release notes there is a comment that states the following:
Plane altitude is different than expected
No known workaround
This can be extremely problematic when flying on VATSIM. You may find that in your sim, the altitude is set at the proper FL320 for instance with the correct altimeter setting. If you look at an external client like Foreflight, VATspy, etc. you’ll find that your altitude can be off by as much as 2500’. You will quickly find the controllers calling you to discuss why your altitude is off. This is tied directly to the live weather. Pictures for reference are incoming shortly.
Darn…And i just bought a brand new head set with mic, because W10 didn’t want to recognise my Bose headsets’ mic anymore !! even worse…I subscribed to Navigraph to have a 200% experience feeling…
I’m sure they will … look at it this way - the improvements on SU5 are massive, and while we may have to wait a week or two till this is fixed, the performance improvements are here to stay. So we have many hundreds/thousands of hours of VATSIM fun ahead of us
agreed, patience is rewardfull with this new sim…despite what many simmer say, i will never be able to switch back to FSX…and i don’t even mention P3D that was useless as i am not an IT nerd.
And considering how fast MSFS2020 is improving…woaw…Patience my young padawans…
In order to avoid that bug, could we have as solution to desactivate real weather, and fly for exemple at 1013 QNH and clear sky all the times ?
edit : first post was edited, so seems to be the solution