ATC messes up languages after SIM Update 13

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After installing SIM Update 13 ATC messes up languages eg. 2 is pronounced in german as “zwei”,0 correctly as “Zero”, feet is pronounced in German as “Fuss” etc., The main language is still correctly English, alphabetic characters are pronounced in Englisch correctly, too

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Same thing in Portuguese, after the SU13 update ATC mixes the languages. instead of saying “climb to 10,000 feet” he changes feet to the translated word saying “Climb to 10,000 pĂ©s”

There are other words being said that I can’t even understand.

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Not sure if this will help, but during the beta SU13 this same issue came up with another beta tester. He found the solution for him

In case this might also work for you, here is the link: ATC is speaking weird phrases after SU13 beta - Alpha/Beta Archive / SU13 Beta Archive - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


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I have the same problem. Actually ATC is unuseable now.
In Finland the ATC language is English. Now ATC uses english but says runways
and frequenzies in finnish.At first I didn’t understand it all.

Now I’ve changed the basic language to english for the whole sim, otherwise I
can’t use it. Now ATC is the same as it was.

You really can’t adjust to two languages in the same sentence.

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I’ve got the same problem in French. I can’t understand Flight Level request and words that are pronounced in a French I guess.

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I have the same problem in german by all SU. I found in “fs-base/de-DE.locPac” many “.tts” entrys in german language. I have a corrected copy from the file. And after an update i look to the filedate. its changing the date, i compare the new file with the copy .

Hi, same issue here.

Some ‘.tts’ entries have also been translated into French in ‘fr-FR.locPak’.
Not all of them, but the Sim used text-to-speech profile is still in English so it becomes incomprehensible.

(left side is previous file version, right is after SU13)


Same issue in french.
The numbers are prononced in french instead all ATC text.
All speed and altitude clearances, nor ATIS are incomprehensible.


It’s a mess, this ATC🙄

Hello I have the same issue too and the FT (feat) are now on PI (do know).
It s a mixe between all language

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the altitude from other payer is visible with PI unity instead of FT (feat)

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For Russian localization, ATC does not pronounce some numbers at all. This makes certain ATC messages incomprehensible.

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I have the same problem but with the Spanish translations. When ATC mentions numbers, some figures are said in English and others in Spanish.

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No update without a new bug

“Taxi using la voie de cirlutation A, A1 to runway deux cinq” (in english ofc). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Thank you asobo. Right to the mur. :man_facepalming:

Will try the full english solution


I can’t understand why Asobo keeps changing the file. If so, Asobo should create a clean file, make correct new entrys and copy it from it. You do it otherwise too. But no, new garbage every time. I have changing more then 500 lines in the file after last update.

Same issue here. this fixed it for me FixATC pour Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS but I cannot say if this is a recommend thing to do or not, I just took the risk and it works for me

My language option is FR-FR.
That’s an example for LFAT :
ATIS written : Touquet information de l’aĂ©roport Echo, 0600 zulu. Vent : 139 Ă  4. VisibilitĂ© : 6. Etat du ciel : Peu nuageux Ă  500 pieds,. TempĂ©rature : 14. Point de rosĂ©e : 10. QNH 30.09. ILS piste 13 en cours d’utilisation. Atterrissage et dĂ©part piste 13. Les appareils VFR doivent indiquer leur direction de vol. Tous les appareils doivent collationner les instructions d’arrĂȘt. Informez le contrĂŽle, lors du premier contact, que vous avez reçu l’information Echo.
ATIS read : Le Touqouet Airport information Echo zero six zero zero zulu. Wind ane arbra niner at quarter. Visibility six. Sky conditions few clouds at ???. Temperature ane quarter. Due point ane zero. QNH (spelt in English) arbra zero decimal zero niner. ILS (spelt in English) runway ane arbra in use. Landing and departing runway ane arbra. VFR aircraft say direction of flight. All aircraft readback hold short instructions. Advise contrĂŽleur on itinitial contact you have Echo


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yes in dutch and i have a xbox x

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