ATC only using calling on the ground, uses manufacturer in the air

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As above. ATC is using my callsign on the ground but as soon as Iā€™m airborne it changes to using ā€˜Airbusā€™ or ā€˜Boeingā€™. Only started happening in the last couple of days, which has coincided with a number of connection drops and loss of ATC voice

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You indicated that you have not disabled/removed all your mods and addons. Please make sure you do so and test again.

Mods and/or payware arenā€™t the issue. It started happening a couple of days ago when the connection started dropping and the Azure ATC keeps failing.

Well, it is requested by support to test without any addons, in some cases you think they cannot be related but in fact one of them is the root cause. Anyway are you having that issue with all planes ? or which one are you using to test ?, could you also provide screenshots where you have configured your call sign and the ATC window once in flight ?. Also make sure all your ATC is correctly activated in the general options\sound setup.

Can confirm, happened to me yesterday. Changed from callsign to manufacturer at LOWI.

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Is your issue similar to the one reported here ?:

I didnā€™t think much about it at the time, but yes, I too have been hearing ATC calling out aircraft manufacturer names (i.e. Boeing) rather than the usual airline and flight number over the past few days.

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Itā€™s not that. It works as it should on the ground then as soon as youā€™re airborne it changes to the using the manufacturer instead of the airline callsign. It also dumps the alpha-numeric element, so ā€˜RYANAIR123ā€™ becomes simply ā€˜Boeingā€™. I went in to the aircraft livery config file and changed the manufacturer to the airline callsign which works as a temporary fix but itā€™s far from ideal.

Something has changed in the last few days and itā€™s almost certainly on the Microsoft side of the game. It started with the Azure voices dropping out, was followed by connection issues then this. @TheSevenflyer This is clearly a new bug, itā€™s not a community support thing.

I wonder if that message ā€œlooking for updates or somethingā€ is in fact some kind of silent update. Got one this week I think :smiley:

Just started a quick flight with the stock A320 and ATC was using my call sign, will make some more tests. Can you reproduce that issue with the stock A320 or any base MSFS aircraft ?

Maybe it was working for him too on the ground but did not provided that information and just reported the issue he had once airborne.

I havenā€™t had chance to try. Out of interest, do you use the rolling cache? This behaviour coincided with me turning it back on and I recall seeing someone else saying that the rolling cache might have caused this behaviour. I canā€™t imagine how.

No, I always have it disabled. Disable it and test again, who knowsā€¦

I believe the rolling cache is for scenery.

I fly at least once a day, most days a couple times.
I just landed at TNCC after an hour and a half flight.
I was not able to reproduce this.
I have heard it occasionally in the past, but that could have been from aircraft that do not have the proper entries in their aircraft cfg file.

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These definitely do and weā€™re working just fine only a few days ago. Itā€™s very odd, but has 100% coincided with these connection drop outs. IIRC itā€™s those that might associated with the rolling cache. I need to try it with the cache off and see what happens.

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Very tentatively, I just tried a flight with the rolling cache off. No drop outs and the callsign worked when airborne :face_with_monocle:

I need to try with one of the offending livery / aircraft combos to corroborate it but itā€™s looking like the rolling cache is the problem, as Iā€™d read in another thread.


If you enable it again, does the issue come back ?

Right, Iā€™ve now reverted the config file of my PMDG 737-800 Ryanair livery and surprise surprise, with the rolling cache off all is well.

The thread I read suggested that with the ORBX UK Mesh enabling the rolling cache caused problems. Since I disabled the cache I havenā€™t had a connection drop and the callsign problem has now gone away. I think the connection drops were causing the callsign problem, and the rolling cache was causing the connection drops. An annoying circle of errors!

I guess itā€™s the nature of the beast that this sort of conflict sometimes happens, but turning the cache off seems to be the solution. Hopefully if others are having the same issue this will solve it for them.



Glad to know you found the answer.
Good detective work!

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