ATC sound stopped, all other sounds are still ok?

This problem occours always but in the last few days it was very often. Its extremely annoying since i dont look always at ticker but want to hear if they want something. Or is it hopeless to wait for a solution by Asobo?


If you are using Azure voices (online), there is a bug report for this:

It happens in all aircraft so far and i dont use devmode.

There are at least two other threads covering this particular “bug” (although it seems MSobo don’t appear to think it is a bug.)

So it would be better if they just confess that they cannot solve it or that they dont want to solve it. Otherwise always they will be complaints.

Even if i start a new flight the ATC bug stays. Usually startin a new flight helped. Congrats Asobo MS you mad a bug even worse. Well done.

The loss of Azure voices was first reported after SU5 in July 2021. In October 2021 I reported that the problem also occurs when NOT using AI copilot. Why aren’t all the topics on this long-standing bug merged into one topic?

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You reported it nearly two years ago and its still unsolved. Probably it will help if 20 or 30 pages of the forum are filled with customers who ask for a solution for a problem that is older than 2 years.
And if you do a little google research this a big and extreme annoying MSFS bug. You finde dozens of threads about it in every possible forum in the internet.

Also double-check that you didn’t accidentally assign different output devices to the main sound & communications channels in MSFS settings. (This can be done on purpose to put your ATC on a headset while you run exterior & engine noises on external speakers.) If you’ve explicitly selected audio device for one and left the other on a default, it might be confused if you changed devices in Windows settings, for instance.

No i checked that at first indeed. I have different options. But since i did not change it during flight how comes that the ATC sound just dissappears from one moment to the next?

Ah, if it’s changing in flight then that must be something else. Good luck!

Just out of curiosity. Does this happen to you too during flight?

Yes I confirm !
Suddenly, it happens when flying, ATC voice disappears ( but ATC message are into ATC window) unable to recover it until end of flight.

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No, it works as expected for me with no troubles.

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So far when it has happened to me, I could switch to the second com radio and then ATC voices would come back.
Others have said that does nothing for them…so as they say your results may vary.
I have had this happen on long and short flights, with GA and airliners and in all weather conditions as well as day or night.
I never use the AI pilot, so that should not be a factor for me.
Luckily it doesn’t happen too often to me, and I usually can get it to work as I said.
But I have had a few flights where nothing worked anymore and I had to look for light gun signals as I approached the destination :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That was the problem for now more than two years but now even if i start a new flight very often their is no atc sound right from the start. No matter Asobo has to fix it and not to wait another 2 years.

This option never worked for me in the last two years and if that would be the solution the internet wouldnt be full of complaints about this long time Asobo Bug.

It works for me most of the time. You can take it or leave it.
You can also whine and moan what Asobo needs to do, as you see it.
All that are choices you get to make….have a nice life.

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How can i take it if it does not work out? And this ATC Bug is one of the biggest bugs for MSFS according to what you can find in the internet. And if you think making a position clear and criticize something or someone is “whine and moan” then feedback and critics are no longer possible in your world. Have fun in your world …

for me its not the normal no voice bug, the hole atc is stuck so also no new messages in the window