Atc stuttering announcing air france flights

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No addons.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Not using Dveloper mode.
Brief description of the issue:
atc stuttering announcing air france flights.
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Generate flight from Orly to Innsbruck with live traffic and hope ARF-planes show up.
PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
After world update IV.

Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Microsoft store

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

Bug already reported here. Please vote on that one so the vote count is higher in that same bug. If you create a new bug report, the votes get distributed across multiple topics, and none of them would be visible as the vote count won’t be high enough.


Duplicate topic. Please use this topic here:
Thank you!