ATR 42 / 72 hydraulic press. and some electricals go out after landing when engine IDLE

Yes, the throttle moved physically, but it did not affect either TRQ or NP.

How to get TLU low speed in green?

The loss of hydraulic pressure affects both the blue system and the green system, but while the blue system is also supported by the auxiliary pump, the green system remains completely depressurized.

For this reason it is not possible to brake, because the brakes are controlled by the green system.

However, if you activate the X FEED between the two systems…

… the auxiliary pump is able to also feed the green system, allowing the brakes and landing gear to function properly, even though the system continues to indicate LO PR.

I simply activate the X FEED during the pre-taxi checklist to make sure I can always operate the brakes and the landing gear.
Hope this helps.


Crazy to me that this is still not fixed and the bug was reported in APRIL… What is going on?

Apparently the bug has been fixed by the developer, but the patch is not yet released by MS:


That’s good. Hope it’s true because I really want to fly this thing. Just not with these breaking bugs

I bought the ATR a long while ago. It is so sad, that bug fixing takes so long :frowning:


I think it’s about time Microsoft implemented the fix. I see no issue with releasing a patch unless they want to release it with part of a larger update which could be months down the line.

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cmon Asobo, the ATR really needs some fixing. WAC Gens, Engines running with fuelpumps off, questionable performance in regards to take off thrust and reverse thrust, after shut down startup is not possible anymore…sigh


I have the same exact problem

Is this issue fixed in SU14?

No, update for the aircraft will be out in january if all goes well according to the latest dev livestream


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Not only when landing, when engines are on and providing electrical power when on idle it seems electrical and hydraulically systems go out. Just like experienced by other pilots above my post

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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same bug

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ATR used to be the plane I flew the most. Now I simply abandoned it because of this annoying bug. I’ve tried to recalibrate it, but it’s not working. It’s really a shame.

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This has never happened before, maybe this is due to the negative air temperatures?

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Be patient everyone, last stream They did say that an update was coming next month


News of an update is amazing. Thanks for that positive news!

Continuing the discussion from November Dev Stream 2023 Transcription:


Thanks @DementedCorn327 for reporting again, now, just to add more specifically from the link, to be able to get the status straight forward :

Continuing the discussion from November Dev Stream 2023 Transcription:

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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It’s not only the ATR, it’s all the turboprop airplanes that looses AC power and hydrolics.

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