ATR 42 / 72 hydraulic press. and some electricals go out after landing when engine IDLE

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Also when engines are runing, If I go to idle looks like aircraft loses power making hidraulics for example and taxi lights to turn off. I remember to fly this a/c a time ago with no issues. Please fix it, I love this plane so much

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Hello. I have the same issue, but there’s a workaround:

  1. Start a new flight, but set the starting departure location to a runway.
  2. After the flight loads, retract flaps and shutdown the ATR’s engines.
  3. Next, use GSX (or an equivalent) to reposition the aircraft to a gate.
    When restarting the ATR’s engines, the idle will stay above the required min %.
    The downside here is that you have to do this for each new flight. :frowning:

Most excellent! I’ll give that a go. Been driving me nuts…

It does not work. As long as the external power supply is switched on, the system has enough power. But as soon as this is disconnected , we have the usual error by idle trottle settings not enough power.
Really sad.

Hi all,

I find a solution for this.
I redefined my Airbus TCA Throttle setting in the calibration options on the tablet.
Redefined my idle position. As I was setting the idle I was pulled back on both throttle axis slightly at idle without going into reverse. Then Validate. So the ground idle will be a bit higher around 67%NP for me.
The Hydraulic pressure problem occurs when the NP drops below 65% for me.
So now it is raised to 67-70% and the issue is gone.

Hope it will help for someone.


Yes, came up with the same work around :slight_smile: : [August 24, 2023] Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 Update 1.0.31 - #464 by FlyHukken

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Nice work around, but unfortunately when I want to relax on my couch and play on xbox, the throttle position trick won’t work. Funny I bought this plane a while ago and was just getting into it, and I was really digging into the start up procedures, only to find this bug. Guess it’ll go back in the hangar again for now. =(

There is mention in the dev update of a fix for the next build (good news)

Verified fixed in v1.0.36.