ATR 42/72 No blue or green HYD systems or ACW 1 or 2

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ATR 42/72

Brief description of the issue:

at a load of Aircraft whether cold and dark or at what should be ready to fly on the runway. there are no green or blue hyd systems only the aux hyd is active. also, the ACW 1+2 is in a fault state .

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

No steps are needed to reproduce. problem is present at the load of the ATR 42/72

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

32gb ram
4tb m.2 ssd

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

i am currently @ 1.34.16 but this just updated today

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16 posts were merged into an existing topic: ATR 42 / 72 hydraulic press. and some electricals go out after landing when engine IDLE

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