ATR side windows too bright at night

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ATR 72/42

Brief description of the issue:

Side windows in cockpit view have some sort of glowing/brightness too them which kills the forward visibility at night and causes a terrible glow inside the cockpit

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after update

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I have the same problem, it has been since the last update.

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AS OP - Side windows in cockpit view have some sort of glowing/brightness too them which kills the forward visibility at night and causes a terrible glow inside the cockpit. It also seems like a weird outline to this effect like its not the full window as it doesnt go all the way to the edges?

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N/A same as OP screenshot - particularly bad / worse the brighter the cockpit becomes, but still very bad with little / no light in cockpit.

Same problem here

Seems to be that sun screen thing causing it.

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I wonder why this has neither feedback logged nor bug logged tag.
I really do hope this will get addressed in the next ATR update, but without it being recognized by the devs it is not likely.

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I don’t have that plane so I cannot test but is that bright side windows could not be due to the taxi/landing lights that remained ON ?
Maybe related to that bug report ?:

So I assume that even if you switch OFF correctly the external lights after take off, they remain ON and that’s why you are still seeing them from the cockpit.
Could you post screenshots from external view at night showing those taxi/landing lights ?

Interesting thought, but it does not seem that the external lights influence the milky window. It is just there whatever the light setup is.

This is how it looks like:

And this is the external view, completely dark:

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why is this bug still not fixed?

It never got acknowledged — no tags.

Indeed it’s due to this overlay window which was added at some point.
Perhaps they find it great or are they fully aware of this issue, however I guess they had to concentrate at first on fixing systems which is mostly and greatly done through last 1.0.36. So, next will come some textures glitches fixing in a future update, we have, as always, to be a bit patient, all can’t be done in one pass …

Hi folks,

I’ve only just come across this bug today and have seen feedback that it wasn’t fixed in the v1.0.36 update yesterday. I’ll make sure this bug is logged today! :slight_smile:

The MSFS Team :airplane:


It is one of the worst issues if you ask me and depending night light you can’t really see anything throught it.

i have this bug to why was it not fixed in latest update all so what about reverse taxi light amongst other bugs

A option to disable sun screen would be nice

Did you mean, the Taxi light goes OFF on reverse ?
Seen this, though I’ve not read enough in the bug section, is it a well-known reported bug ?
Should this not occuring in Real Life ?

I noticed this too. As soon as you cut power the taxi light turns off. Even if you turn it on, it won’t be actually on until you advance the throttle.

Also, since the new update, the standby altimeter setting cannot be changed.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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excessive shine

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Apparently Asobo in-house are responsible for that model.

No feedback or bug logged tag => not part of the workpackage for Hans