Yeah the side views are a bit baffling. As for the default view being straight ahead, I too HATE when developers do this. To fix it, open up the cameras.cfg for the plane and edit the line ‘InitialPbh’ to this-
InitialPbh = -11, 0, 0
That value should tilt your default view down enough to get the main instruments in view, though you can always play with it depending on your view settings.
Everything considered a very nice plane to fly. I love the attention to small details like the squeaking trim wheel and the fact that you need to uncage the artificial horizon for it to work properly.
A perfect companion for the Aerosoft East Frisian Islands Airports scenery
Also the artificial horizon is typical of early ones in that you needed to cage it before performing any extreme maneuvers, as it would jam if pushed too far. Now in this plane you can simply cage it again to “reset” it, but I don’t know if that was actually possible with this model. I know in the Fw-190 if you jammed the artificial horizon it would need to be addressed on the ground.
I have seen some of the comments about issues I have seen some of them too.
However…i just flew across London at night in this plane and it was awesome(with all the London and City add-ons)
What a beautiful plane, little to no impact on frames (30 to 35fps on high/ultra mix).
Possibly now my favourite plane… look forward to the updates, but I love it.
I decided to buy this one after reading about it here. Very fun to fly, looks really nice (specially the red painted one) and i love all the steam gauges and the old style in the cabin. And the sound of the engine is really good.
But i didnt solve how to get the radio working, maybe its not possible as it is right now? If so im sure they update it soon . I had to start and land without contact with the ATC but thats ok. Well i make sure to look up if theres a manual and read it to understand the plane a little more.
Edit: Well until further corrections i can use Crtl-E for radio i gues. Thanks.
Ok I talked myself into it. Sounds like a fun stick and rudder bird… much needed honestly. I will give my thoughts once I have some hours under my belt.
I found it varies, if you spin the dial a few times, the in betweens eventually show up. For instance, I was trying to get to 119, and it kept skipping between 118 and 120… till I turned a few times, and I must have gotten past some sync and I was able to get to it. I think it’s basically going too far with a single click. Just needs a little adjustment on their side I imagine. I’m not a gauge programmer.
First Impressions… for what it is worth…25 minutes around the pattern… its not bad… but not great. IMO. It seems unrefined, unpolished hopefully patches will address some of it. Flight model seems good, although on approach it tends to get REAL slow even with a decent amount of power in and just a couple notches of flaps. The fluidity of the flight model feels good. The visuals are good. There is a bug with the landing light covers from cockpit view. It is certainly not Carenado visuals… some of the gauges are kind of tough to read almost looking blurry… small, etc.
A few comments I have not seen noted here:
Wow, the sound when landing kills it for me. I should have waited for a video… probably wouldn’t buy it just based on that. Think of a massive BANG when landing even smoothly. Really brutal immersion killer. I hope the dev fixes that.
Fuel pump has no sound
Sounds in general are just ok… kind of basic. The gauges certainly do not shake and rattle as someone else said… the compass might.
The mixture seems like it is off or on. This is a major issue for me. You can lean, and nothing happens at all until the engine dies. Same with Carb heat, doesn’t have an RPM drop at all.
Throttle and prop seem very very sensitive. A small adjustment of the level is alot of RPM change. Also have to figure out how the engine and prop work, as there does not seem to be a governor in this airplane (could be model specific).
Shutdown sounds and effects are lacking.
I think with some patching and refinement this could be a good VFR touring bird… I look forward to it. And please get rid of those landing sounds OMG! Obviously this is 25 minutes… will fly it some more and see if it grows on me!
I just assumed that was for real, like,it doesn’t have the same damping in the gear as we do today. It is an early to mid-fifties plane after all. Akin to a Navion.
The DG and the ADB compass were both shaking quite a bit for me. But, yes, I was unimpressed by the engine sound, could use some better mixing I think. I was listening through JLB LSR305 monitors, which normally do very good justice to FS sounds. For instance, the “new” Grumman Goose sounds awesome!
Found a real bug… flying along cross country… my whole cockpit froze… nothing moving. Dials frozen, throttle, mixture etc. I just started clicking around and it un froze. 2 minutes late, went to cage the gyro… froze… then unfroze randomly. Then froze again… not cool!
That happened to me a couple of times in the Mooney recently so it might be a sim bug or something affecting 3rd party aircraft. The plane was still flying normally but everything in the cockpit was frozen for a minute or two.
Oh, I was assuming that it was just the normal freeze I get when the weather changes suddenly, or I change the time.
I was sitting in the cockpit for a couple minutes checking it all out, trying to figure out which way the switches are on and off (the labeling is backwards on a lot of switches, the fuses for instance are labeled backwards, when you hover over them, they tell you their state. The switches I think tell you what they’ll be if you hit them (though I can’t quite remember).
But, yeah, after not too long, the whole sim froze for a couple of minutes while I was sitting there.
I wish Asobo would wait on their releases. They break soooo many things every single time. Just when I have everything working, I have to wait two weeks for them to release their hotfixes.
Yep, I’ve found that too. After some fidgeting you can actually set the “2” digit, but it seems kind of random .
There are some problems all across the nav radios anyway. Yesterday I couldn’t set the “6” digit in the nav radios, and then, once again after a while, I was able to tune it again.
And the transponder is acting funny too. It can also display the “8” and “9” digits, which it shouldn’t.