[August 24, 2023] Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 Update 1.0.31

Amen. The Milviz looked so much more promising…

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Anyone having problems with VNAV not engaging on departure since SU13 update? VNAV just goes into PITCH HOLD, and not VNAV, when I press the VNAV button nothing happens, to make it work I have to press the ATL button then the VNAV, which causes the aircraft to violently pitch down before recovering.

This was to be expected from a plane developed by Hans Hartmann. The guy never finishes anything. He also developed the Aerosoft CRJ which is still buggy even after 2.5 years because he jumped onto other projects like the ATR.


Hans is a consultant, I wouldn’t blame him but Aerosoft (CRJ) resp. Asobo/Microsoft (ATR). I still hope he jumps on both in time but it looks like the world is working different this days :frowning:

DarkKiller makes an excellent point. If the people who hire Hans Hartmann only want to take a project to a certain point then that’s it. It could be that he would love to take a project to ‘study level’ but he needs to be hired to do that.

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A consultant? I thought he does the coding for the CRJ and ATR.

Right, he codes the plane (I think together w/ one another guy) but he’s not selling it himself.

But that doesn’t mean he’s not responsible what he delivers.

I am not his lawyer! I just wanted to mention that his clients also have to hire him for maintenance.

And they probably do but I guess he’s a bit overwhelmed. That happens with one man projects. Aerosoft probably hoped he could get back to the CRJ much earlier.

No clues of updates? I´m seeing nothing in the updates roadmaps. The cargo version os what I expect more and the final tunings in throttle handling and flight model, and of course, ILS and VNAV, wich still havve bugs.


There’s more than that that still has bugs… I suppose if we pay for a cheap aircraft this is what we should expect… as someone said, it’s a said state of affairs that the milviz cancelled their ATR…

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Time for me to go to FBW…and stay !

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On that, I’ll say that I wish that they would just pivot to give us the older ATRs instead (ATR42-300/320, ATR72-200 and ATR72-210 [while they all have 4-blade propellers, the ATR72-210 use scimitar-bladed propellers while the other use straight-bladed propellers]).

While there is a lot of difference, there is also enough similarity that at least a good part of the work that Milviz already done would not be lost


that’s what i did today. I switched to A32X fbw, cause i couldn’t stand propeller bug one day more. What a shame because i really like Asobo ATR, but during taxy on VATSIM I stop the plane lots of time loosing taxy lights, brakes, etc. It’s really annoying.


The TOD remaining time is so wrong. Showing 4 minutes where it only last 30 seconds top.
Initially it showed 20 minutes it only took 10 minutes.


Ignore the time for TOD and just follow the distance. Time for TOD is always way out. Hopefully they will fix it at some point.

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expert series? are you kidding hartman this plane is just at the level of a virtualcol it’s a shame that milviz made the decision not to develop this plane we’re going to drag ourselves a burden

Is this a bug? Or an issue with a well known decent provider’s aftermarket livery:


Basically is there a missing light source for the Atr 42 nose wheel area? Can see the light projection but not the lamp itself

I guess it’s only specific livery issue
Here’s with the default ATR-42 Air Saint-Pierre Livery, no issue here :