[August 24, 2023] Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600 Update 1.0.31

Ah, thanks for that. I need to let Bravo airspace know about their KLM 42 then somehow

Has nothing to do with this. Switch off liveweather and play around with the groundwind slider, and youĀ“ll see itĀ“ll affects your engines.

Not sure what youā€™re stating here ā€¦ :thinking:
Iā€™ve just confirmed to the OP thereā€™s no issue with ATR-42 Taxi light source, as shown on my screenshot

Uhppsā€¦Yes, youĀ“re right. I donĀ“t want to answer on that. How did that happens ??

Sorry, this was not for you. Looked like iĀ“d use the wrong tab in my hurry ā€¦ :slight_smile: stupid me ā€¦

Me hoping for an update making it fun to fly again :frowning:


I hope so too. Especially fixes for the regressions introduced with SU13 and identified during beta


Does anyone maintain a comprehensive list of known bugs?

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Quality landing at EGLC: Twitch

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Some many reasons there to initiate a go-around. And just like a true flight simmer, committed to landing no matter what :laughing:


Get-there-itis is never stronger than when in flightsim. :crazy_face:


I would have done it, but real life called :smiley:

RAAS: ā€œUnstableā€¦ unstableā€
EGPWS: ā€œSinkrateā€ ā€œGlideslopeā€
Simmer: [Prepares to go-around]
Wife: ā€œI need you help with somethingā€
EGPWS: ā€œMinimumsā€
Simmer: [sighs] ā€œā€¦Landing.ā€

Donā€™t worry, a lot of us have been there!


Just curious does this plane actually work proper now with gamepads and keyboards? Throttle issues all fixed up? If it actually works and has proper simbrief now I wouldnā€™t mind giving it another shot. Despite this plane releasing in an awful state I really did like the model.

So is it worth jumping back in? Can we update the AIRARC to latest Navigraph?

PS Is it just me or is this new Microsoft Edge browser simply the worst browser ever made? Wow it loads not one but two pages of trash just to log me into the forum now while my other browser remains emptyā€¦

Hope everyone is well o7

Is there any way to remove the white side window?

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Sadly no. Our only options are to stop looking at it or turn the plane to a different heading. :rage:

A list of working parts might be shorter :stuck_out_tongue:

Anybody have a clue if weā€™re ever going to get the freighter version?

I would hope we get a reliable plane first :wink:

But wouldnā€™t mind to have one as most ATR flights that I fly are cargo routes.

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We finally have the explanation why when we set power management to cruise, the ATR72 will decrease torque while the ATR42 will increase torque :


Maybe can be useful to somebody - installing navigraph MSFS navdata rectifies the bug where some fixes (NDBS) get placed outside the ND space (especially STARs. Have now to test if some other navigation bugs got solved.
A question - is everybody now able to move the throttle to GI in flight? Before SU13 it didnā€™t go below FI (at least visully).