Is the ABS data current to June 2021 and next round of data due in March 2022?
I don’t know when the next round is due, but being widely known now as the most locked down city on Earth. It’s not helping Melbs.
On topic, there is a few people online sharing pics, already had the World Update pushed, but i can’t work out how, setting the date to tomorrow results in my Sim not even loading. lol
Ha ha I tried that aswell. Let me know if you figure it out otherwise it’s 7am tomorrow. I took some screenshots around Townsville today so I can compare it with the update tomorrow.
They could also just be using the msfs google maps enhancement mod which just added updated Bing maps server so they could also just be trolling.
Yeah i don’t know, there was one on a Facebook group showing some Great Barrier Reef and Perth in Photogrammetry. Was in sim as they had outside view of the planes.
Could be a troll, i don’t have FB i hate it, my mate was streaming his screen showing me in Discord, he was trying to work out how it was done as well.
Interesting that not one capital city airport will be modelled in this update. Melbourne I had hoped would be included.
Hopefully this is not too offtopic but I have been reading suggestions for destinations in this topic and I would love to pay them all a visit (and then some more). What airplane would be best suitable to do a fly around in Australia?
It doesn’t have to be extremely fast as I would love to fly relatively low to watch the landscape but also not too slow because that might get a bit boring (say c172 speed). Any recommendations?
DC-6 is fun flying around the outback if you own it. But I’ve been having fun flying the Bonanza around lately using the Improvement mod for it. I’ve also been think of trying the DA40 for a while. There is a nice RAAF Cadets livery for it.
Orbx is a partner. Orbx sells many Australia airports. There you go.
I mainly fly the Spitfire round Aus. It’s so much fun to fly, can go fairly slow and pretty quick, not bad for some scenic recon. Not the best if you want gps maps though. Great for bush landings being a tail dragger.
What a petty! I’m from Germany but my sister lives in castlemaine. I want to do my first to Bendigo flight after the update.
I love the spitfire as well (in VR ) and recently discovered there’s a GNS 430 in it. Maybe that’d be enough for your GPS need, it is for me.
Also, you could probably use the GTN 750 popup panel if you need a map.
WU7 - WHEN? It used to be at 17 PM ?
That’s a great idea. What we will encourage from now on is not only the flight route, but the correct type of aircraft to fly on the route. There are many specific routes that are very much airframe type specific in the real world here in Australia. For example most air ambulance fixed wing ops are king air specific.
Hi aircrew, job for today pre- update, take as many screen shots as you can, so you can compare them to the update!
Have you seen the cardboard spitfire? If you start on the ground use Ctrl + “Num Del” as that is the keyboard default for Toggle Parking Brakes. There is also an easter egg in the cockpit.
If you’re not doing laps of Sydney Harbour in the Southern Cross Fokker, with the fireworks mod and date set to 26th of jan at 9pm, blasting “Khe Sahn” through your headphones, then i don’t think you’re getting the most out of this WU!
ORBX did the airports, they would not give out something for free they can sell
I can see they put 0 thought into coding the update mechanics, so the game sends me to the MS store to update but that just says play and i return to a vicious cycle.
FYI you need to open XBOX app not MS Store.
They gave out YSHL Shellharbour for free when they actually sell this for FSX and Prepar3D: YWOL Wollongong Airport for FSX & Prepar3D . YSHL used to be called YWOL Wollongong.
As a real pilot who’s flown extensively around Australia, I’d recommend something faster than a C172. Typical aircraft in use across the country are Barons (but usually older ones), Bonanzas, Caravan’s, PC12’s (use the TBM930), and Beech King Air’s.
A C172 will take 18 hours to fly from Melbourne to Perth. Perth to Port Hedland/Karratha/Paraburdoo area is around 8 hours.