Yes, and especially given Newcastle is photogrammetry I like flying out of YLMQ. Are you from these parts @Deggers7764 ? I’m in Newcastle and have flown out of these fields as well as Maitland and Cessnock IRL.
Cessnock is another great airport. I flew out of there last night to Scone in the sim to work out a good route to publish to fly over the mines. You could make up a bush trip like flight from Scone to Lake Macquarie, via all the airports enroute.
I haven’t done it in the sim yet, but a nice flight is YLMQ to Denman along the range - then on to Gulgong via the Bylong vally.
I’ll add the maps for these next week. They are great trips. The Barrington Tops area north of Gloucester is great for a lesson in inadvertent IMC and how to recover from it in the mountains as the conditions kinda-always look flyable and then they are not!
The other one we should publish is the GA route from Gloucester to Maitland down the lane.
Great ideas - thanks
Great idea! You could extend it to start from Old Bar or Taree. I’ll check if Rylston and Old Bar exist in the sim. Also Wallis lake is good and it is in the sim.
Taree - Gloucester - landing at Maitland or Cessnock or Lake Macquarie
Sounds great. I reckon a waypoint at Maitland and then down the river to Newcastle, then on to Lake Macquarie.
I’m looking forward to upcoming the Australia update having been a big fan of VOZ back in the day and then doing some IRL flying around the country myself.
Some great flights to try out:
Port Douglas - Cairns - Innsfail
Sunshine Coast to Redcliffe (Glasshouse Mountains)
Redcliffe to Gold Coast, low level via the coast via Moreton Island and North Stradbroke Island
Newcastle to Wollongong, to see the sheer scale of surburban Sydney from North to South
Warrnambool to Apollo Bay, along the Great Ocean Road
Anywhere in Tasmania. A very naturally scenic part of the country. See map and . PLN file here:
Thanks for the post. I’ll make up these flights with maps and pictures next week. There are some great flights there.
The Glass House Mountains flight I think will be very popular.
As it turns out, I’m working on a few. Early days still, but I’m hoping to have the flight plans done by early next week!
It will be great to see what you have come up with. I’ll be posting some more maps and pictures towards the end of the week.
This post has been getting about 120 views per day.
What areas/regions are you going to focus on?
Right now, I’m looking at:
- Western Australia, Solomon to Hedland
- Northern Australia, Hooker Creek to Snake Bay (Need to refine this a bit, it’s too long)
- Tasmania, Hobart to Flinders
I want to add the Gold Coast to the bush trips I’ve got planned, as well.
Next Week I will be updating all of the replies above with maps and photos.
We will also be looking at the routes and airports associated with fly in fly out mining operations across the country.
@Deggers7764 Here are the flight plans I’ve built out for these bush trips:
mission-YCGB-YFLI.lnmpln (2.0 KB)
I’ll be splitting this into two parts as it’s somewhat long.
mission-YSOL-YPPD.lnmpln (2.4 KB)
mission-YTRE-YBUD.lnmpln (2.4 KB)
So, all in there would be 5 Australian bush trips.
I’d hoped to get something in the interior, but there’s so little there that I don’t know if it’s going to be simple. That being said, Australia is not a continent I’m familiar with, so if you know of some great sights I can incorporate into a bush trip, I’d love to get your thoughts.
Some of the best flying around Australia is around Cape York. Thursday Island, Cooktown, Lockhart then over to Mornington Island etc.
They are great flight plans. I’ll give them a fly over the coming days. Thanks for putting them together. Happy Christmas!
Yes, thanks very much for this. I rarely fly in the southern part of the world, so it is interesting for me to explore. Best wishes for Christmas.
Australia is a very interesting landscape. Coral reefs, mountains with snow, deserts, rainforests, rivers that run across the country. It will be good to get your feedback on what you think of the suggestions we make. What part of the world are you from?