'Auto-exposure' effect when using the cockpit camera needs to go

optional is the best no more peeling onions !!

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I agree, thats a better idea. Then theres the option to turn it off but also for those who like a kind of middle ground they can have preset points. Maybe labelled: Off—Low—Medium—High----Very High

Yep, choice is better, currently overdone.

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Asobo sed that they will be fixing it in sim update 8

Honestly, If i could go blind by looking at the sun in the game, I’d play even more…

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the only thing you could fly being blind would be a rubber band …
the game needs many more shades of blue, red fields where you can see the yellow of sunflowers and millions of other things. but for now I’m content with being able to get rid of that reaper target …

Kite :unamused: post

Made this for another thread, but relevant here as well:

Since our monitors and preferences might differ quite a bit, which of these different “HDR Levels” do y’all think looks best, and would be your choice if you could choose?

I think i’d go for 5 or 6.
But my issue is not with the cockpit, it’s that everything outside is white :sweat_smile:

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I move close the thread, as it’s gone full-circle.

Everyone’s saying now what I and others said at the beginning.

Yeah I was surprised by your video how quickly the exposure was increased in VR just by a little bit of head movement, definitely looks like a metering issue.

I was just made aware of the following thread addressing exactly this issue and would recommend all VR users to head over & leave a vote:

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I voted on it, thank you for the link!

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A GUI setting is certainly the best solution to toggle these effects (like the other already in the option menus).

I would vote an option to disable the in-flight drop down menu as well

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