Autogen airports too dark

I have noticed it on many, even large airports. This pushes one to the theory that it could be a business practice. with every sold addon via the marketplace MS earns with it.

@BigCow74 Thanks for the mod, didnā€™t know it! Iā€™m testing it, while it does add some proper lighting, still all the runways and taxi ways are completely dark and totally unrealistic (the mod dev explains that lighting is only for buildings, not blaming the dev who has actually done a beaufiful work).

@ale666mori Indeed is totally unrealistic. Taxiing at night is impossible and represents a huge issue for example while flying at IVAO or VATSIM since all taxi signals are impossible to see. Itā€™s really a bummer that night lighting is so badly done. Gates are impossible to see unless youā€™re basically on it. Thereā€™s not a single commercial airport in real life that looks like these black holes.

I mean, check this:

By the way Iā€™m using the lighting mod that @BigCow74 referred above. Otherwise the buildings at the right would also be completely dark

@Kedelklopper Could be, but certainly having airports with these conditions at night renders it almost useless. Itā€™s too badly done.

Can we please have brighter airport lighting such as taxiways and runway lighting? They look very dull and it would be appreciated if we can have them brighter.

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X-Plane 12 did it already.

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Unfortunately it doesnā€™t seem high priority, maybe some of this will be fixed by the (rather limited) scenery gateway theyā€™re testing. But maybe not.

Adding a +1 for this to be prioritized and fixed. It really ruins the magic of night flying.

I would have voted for this issue, but since Iā€™m a relatively new forum member I canā€™t!

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This post merged into this topic.

A lot of auto-gen airport terminals have no light at night. Itā€™s close to impossible to taxi to the gates without payware airports. I wish default auto-gen airports have some lights in terminals. I know itā€™s not a simple task, but as a flight sim-lover, itā€™s so frustrating I canā€™t see a thing when I enter the ramp in so many default airports.

I noticed there are similar articles in different categories, but I think this topic has to be in the wishlist. So I created the topic.

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Airport night lighting does need improving. For me, there are plenty of lights at airports but they donā€™t work like lights. They do not brighten buildings or illuminate parking areas like they should.


Or the other option, download the EDHK lighting asset pack and spend 25 minutes learning how to place objects in the SDK. EDHK Lights & Objects Developers Pack (Asset-Pack) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Only mentioning it because itā€™s SUPER easy to fix this, and you could upload your work to At least the will allow people to fix the major hubs until Asobo has time to build. No part of this is meant to trigger offense. And, Iā€™m using them in a project Iā€™m working on.

I have just done a flight to Manchester Airport in the sim, and it took me hours to navigate my way to the gate, bc itā€™s so dark. There are literally no lights around the terminals, so itā€™s almost impossible to navigate around those areas. I had to change the time to day briefly to find my way. Screenshot attached, and as you can see on it, it was pitch black. Are there no floodlights at the gates on the sim??


As I said when I first raised this just after the FS2020 launch, Asobo donā€™t care about gate lighting because it has nothing to do with looking at the pretty scenery.

The fact that they have ignored this problem since I first brought it up is proof of the above, if proof were needed.


This is similar and related to the problem with aircraft lighting. Landing and taxi lights are extremely dim and basically useless. That combined with airports being too dark makes them pretty much unusable at night, especially if thereā€™s no moon.

There must be some issues with light casting after certain brightness with the sim engine, otherwise itā€™s strange devs havenā€™t addressed it and seem to be postponing it indefinitely.

Well Iā€™ve seen some people liking this so, just a heads up, six months later everythingā€™s the same.

An airport at night is basically a runway next to a black hole. Passengers leaving the aircraft travel in time after customs.

That is, if they ever see customs, in total darknessā€¦

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The ironic thing is that Iā€™ve found generic airports that do have gate and parking lighting and those that are hand crafted are almost always totally dark.

Add me to list. Sorry but i have to harshly criticize this as itā€™s a no-go for a software that calls itself a flight simulator.
Please Asobo fix this - canā€™t be that hard to batch-add some basic and somewhat plausible generic-per-parking/gate lighting. Itā€™s extremely unrealistic like this. Makes me wonder if any of the testers of alpha/beta ever did a night flight and furthermore, what your dedication really is with this sim. 13 world updates and 3 years not fixed totally dark airports at night is for sure not the balance i would expect as a customerā€¦
Even harder to believe that this is not even bug logged yetā€¦

I really like the sim in other areas but thats a huge letdownā€¦


fix airports night lighting (add light pole to aircraft parking spot) at least for major airports

maybe it will be fix in the new MSFS2024ā€¦hehehe


I would love to see the default airports illuminated at night in both 2020 and 2024!

The biggest problem I see is the HDR. If turned on (windows+MSFS) it gets very dark at night, however, during the day the ā€œsolarizationā€ effect is much more real. While turned off (without HDR) the night is more precise and the day is dull. The way is to adjust the Monitor/TV in a way that makes the balance between brightness and contrast closer to being satisfactorily served at night and also during the day.

Iā€™ve been trying several sets to adjust my 4K TV, Windows HDR and I confess that itā€™s quite complicated. It would be great to see the possibility of these tweaks in the UI.

:vulcan_salute:t2: :wink:

Yep it is dark at night i cant barely find the runway. i use navigraph as GPS and even like that is super hard.

check out New Light at it is a light mod for the aircraft not the runways. but it does help brighten things up on landing and taxing. the developer has different mods for different planes.

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