Since most recent update my autopilot isn’t working on VFR flights (haven’t tried anything else). This error has happened in Cessna 172 G1000 and Beechcraft Bonanza.
Appears to have added a TimeClimb and TimeApproach field that my autopilot seems to link as the next waypoint and starts flying towards that and not along my GPS flight plan.
Unsure if this is happening to anybody else? / Is there something I am missing to fix this?
Never had any issues with VFR flight plans until most recent update. Any advice appreciated!
Yes this is happening whenever you use the VFR - GPS option in the flight planner. The only “fix” at this time would be to only select a departure airport on the world map, then enter your flight plan directly into the G1000 unit.
Thank goodness someone else is experiencing this (I mean, sorry!). I was bouncing around forums and no one was reporting this issue. While sometimes I do IFR planned flights, I most often just do GPS-Direct and mark out my own waypoints (which has gotten really awful in the new Planner - it tries inserting new waypoints at the end, regardless of location).
Just did my first flight in Cessna G1000 after update July 30th update and AP does not follow route on map. After about 10 minutes during a climb to 10,000ft the plane lost speed so I cancelled AP to level out but the plane continued to point straight up and became uncontrollable. Never happened before. ESC.
Just discovered this as well. Always plan my VFR flights with LittleNavMap and import them into MSFS. It now always adds the TIMECLIMB and TIMEAPPROACH ‘waypoints’. Can’t find a way around that and it ruins the flight plan completely. I sincerely hope they remove that or at least give us an option to switch it off.
Working Title G1000 v0.4.0 (which is stock with working engine pages)?
Working Title G1000 NXi from the MarketPlace?
If NXi there is a known bug where it was programmed to assume all aircraft default to ROL mode for LNAV but Bonanza is LVL, so route is not following. That’s one of your test cases.
My recommendation is to raise the issue on Working Title Discord Server, they have a dedicated Garmin NXi channel. You’ll want to speak to any of the team members (their names are in Red and Orange/Amber Font), outline your problem, they can help. They’ve been busy all weekend gathering information, answering questions and determining what might be valid bug reports.
I tried the NXi on both the SR-22 and the C172 since Other than the obvious missing features, it works and should guide on GPS routes built by the MSFS built in flight planner.
Wow! I’m stumped! Just tried with the default G58 and G1000NXi works great. Didn’t work with G36 or DA40NGX. The issue now is ATC wanting me to expedite my climb to XXXX feet when I’m already there. (and yes, my altimeter setting is correct)
For the altitude issue, I encourage you to read this insightful post from Matt of the Working Title team. You may need to read the whole thread for context.
Specific to the B36, be aware that some planes, including the Bonanza, default to LVL instead of ROL when AP is enabled without selecting a guidance mode (i.e., HDG, NAV). NXi is currently expecting ROL mode, and as a result, some planes that default to LVL will never guide from NXi when set to NAV using GPS. That hopefully gets fixed in a future build.
Most recent update version of Flight Simulator. G1000 is stock that comes in Cessna 172 and Beechcraft Bonanza. I also find this issue in the Iris Mods Jabiru aircraft (follow on issue for that is I can no longer use to dials to adjust altitude/heading in the Jabiru’s).
Can set up a VFR flight plan if I set a departure airport only and then key them in to the flight plan directly myself once the game loads. Otherwise it won’t follow along my GPS flight plan.
Happening for me as well on the stock C172 Steam Gauge after SU5. Even more annoying is you can’t delete the TIMECLI waypoint from the flight plan on steam gauge (it doesn’t show up), you have to reprogram it completely.
To replicate:
Go to world map
Enter KRBO as Departure, KTME as destination
Select C172 (g1000 or steam gauge)
Fly Now
TIMECLI will be the next waypoint. I was expecting direct.
I found that the G1000 NXI is to blame, I programmed multiple waypoints in World map and the only thing that the NXI does is got direct to Destination airport. I uninstalled the NXI, and the standard G1000 performed all waypoints correctly. SO I guess the G1000 NXI needs fixing, until it is fixed, I won’t be using it