Autopilot not working properly in External View

Thank you to the last few posters, and sorry to see that you’re having the same problems.

If you haven’t already, could you please vote on this topic, and share it wherever you can?


hello, just found this thread searching for this same bug, happened to me several times in the last few days, mainly flying 747 and 787, saw it in the kodiak too.

It’s been updated to Bug Logged

Meaning it’s been tested, found to be a bug and put on the fix list.
Upvoting isn’t necessary now but feel free to do so :grinning:


OK, that’s good to know, thank you!

The reason I was encouraging votes really is only because of the way they appear on the development blog. The ones at the top of the list (which I assume is in order of priority to be fixed) tend to have hundreds of votes, and I didn’t want to see this bug languishing on like 7 or 8 votes and therefore never getting fixed!

Hello , I am facing the same issue, appearing just after the last upgrade on june.
I have no add ons and réinstallation of the game did not solve the problem.

Hi ScorpionTuba, sorry to hear you are still experiencing this. I tried a couple of short flights this morning and confirm the issue is still there for me too. Please feel free to share this thread with anyone else who might be seeing the same - the more comments and votes we can get, the better the chance of understanding the problem or getting it fixed.

I am experiencing the same issue. I have no mods loaded. Stock standard game. When on external view autopilot of the plane will miss waypoints and drift off course over time when in external view. Then once I enter the cockpit cam the autopilot will react and make corrections. Currently experiencing it on a high altitude airways flight in a 747.

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Hi Cymax,

Thanks for posting, and I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing the issue too. I hope the longer this thread stays active and the more posts and votes it gets, the better chance we have of getting it fixed. It has apparently been logged and is being investigated, but please feel free to share and encourage any others you know with the same problem to add their votes and comments.

Just want to chip in and say I’m getting this consistently. I do have some mods, but it happens inconsistently but often when flying the TBM930. I’ll look away and the plane will be going in circles, will be +/- 1000 ft from the set altitude, will just veer off to a random heading. I thought it was because my controller was sitting in my lap but it happens when it’s just sitting on my desk too. I can also say it hasn’t happened to me yet in cockpit mode and it’s not disengaging the autopilot; it says it’s still on with the settings I set. If I change the heading by a degree and change it back it’ll correct itself, and if I set vertical speed to reach my set altitude it will also correct itself.

Oh, I forgot to add that it’ll egregiously over-bank turns and then correct back, or just sometimes randomly bank right, bank left about the same amount, and then get back on track. Attached an example of the “s” pattern it flew randomly.

:wave: Thank you for using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

2 tags are required: One for platform, and one for aircraft.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the Community Support section.


Which aircraft are you reporting an issue about? (Please also add the proper tag for it)

787, 747

Brief description of the issue:

The aircraft autopilot for some reason deviates from the flight path if left in external view. Returning to internal view, causes the autopilot to correct and reacquire the flight path again.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Move the camera to external view. The longer you leave it in that view, the further the autopilot will deviate off course. The quickest way to check, is to zoom in to 0.5nm on the VFR map whilst in external and you will then notice the deviation beginning almost immediately.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

i9, RTX 2080 Super, 32GB, Win 11

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:


:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Thank you to all the new posters in the last few days.

I confirm, this seriously annoying bug is still ongoing for me too and I suspect every user will be affected, it’s just that not every user will have experienced it.

Please keep commenting, sharing and voting on the thread, so we can pile uo the vote numbers and keep it near the top of the active threads.

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Another one here with the same problem. currentl;y flying the gand caravan and unless insidde the cockpit neither navigatition via nav or hdg will hold course. If you start say a turn from 90 - 180 and swicth to external before it’s complete it will continue on past. As soon as you swicth back intop cockpit it will correct and pull back to on course…I gues that reall life for ya :slight_smile:

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Hello @MagicQuasar1176,

This topic has been tagged with bug-logged, which means we have logged it in our system and confirmed it is an actual issue to be fixed in a future update. Additional comments and upvotes are not needed at this point to bring it to our attention, although anyone is still welcome to post more info if they wish.



Hi - my SO, who is playing the sim on a fresh MSFS install, is experiencing this problem on the Longitude (it does not happen on the Vision Jet which she also has). I have quite a lot of addons and I do not experience these issues when flying the Longitude. I have Navigraph installed among other things while my SO does not.

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Thank you for the response, really good to be updated and see this is being looked at.

I understand and appreciate that you have logged it and are looking into it, so hopefully it will be resolved.
The point of asking for votes and comments to continue is due to the way such bugs and errors appear in the regular updates you provide - only things with hundreds or even thousands of votes get to the top of the list, and if that list indicates the priority in which things get fixed, then I am concerned that this bug will never be resolved.

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Hello @MagicQuasar1176,

The Feedback Snapshot is only one input source of many that the developers use when prioritizing bugs to resolve. Rest assured, it is not necessary for a bug to be popular and receive a lot of votes from players for it to be fixed in a future update.


I have the same issue. I was flying from KFLL to KMCO in a Cessna 172 and within a minute or so of external view, it was already flying away from the GPS route.

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That is very reassuring and thank you for the detailed update, it really is most appreciated.


I am experiencing the issue of the Auto Pilot not following flight plan when in external view. As soon as i takeoff and begin the vectors the plane goes off course and only correct it self when i return to the cockpit view.

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