Axis and Ohs: Help and questions

Those are usually the generic ones, AS1000_x, AS3000_x. Search for PFD or MFD

A few words about these H Variables. They are not fixed literals, like a variable name. Instead, the simulator constructs the actual variable name at runtime from “building blocks” (calles “tags” in AAO).

In the MSFS model/animation XML code you will find things like this:


Depending on the aircraft where this template is used, the variable name may translate to “AS3000_MFD_RANGE_INC”, because somewhere in the path through the included templates #KEY_PREFIX#" is set to the value “AS3000_MFD”. For another instrument or another aircraft it may have another name. For Asobo, they can program just the one encoder logic and re-use it in every aircraft with different variable names, depending on use case.

Two important things to take away from this:

  1. The names of these H-Vars are not fixed. They can change at any time, when the sim or the plane are updated.
  2. That is why a parser is required that searches for them, not a list that publishes their current names. The list will never be complete and can be invalidated at any point.

The parser in AAO will become more intelligent over time, but right now only a subset of all HVars can be selected directly, the others require assembly. You can construct the actual name from the templates in the RPN script editor, check the AAO manual. Naturally, that involves a lot a trial & error, but going through the aircraft model XML files is quite a bit of work too. In most cases, doing both is the best strategy. I use Notepad++ “Find in Files” and let it search for example for “<CLOCKWISE_CODE>” in all XML files of the simulators “Packages” folder.

A fellow simmer is building a fully-featured AAO plugin for the StreamDeck, where you can even dim all the separate lights in the cockpit. Everything goes, but it requires a lot of time and patience.