Axis and Ohs: Help and questions

I’m using the following script for decrementing the NAV SOURCE in the CRJ.


(++ for incrementing)

My problem right now is, when turning the assigned rotary on my x-Touch controller, the display often randomly skips the next Position so it’s hard to get the display I want to see.

My question right now is which parameters on aao’s change button assignment page need to to be adjusted to fix that behavior.

As far as I know the scripts are these:



Thanks Oliver, that looks a bit easier.

Hello @ll,

AxisAndOhs 2.07 b12 has been uploaded to the shops today and should be available in your accounts shortly.

This version is mostly about bugfixes:

  • Change: Scripts: Repeat K: events with “|n” in scripts
  • Bugfix: Buttons and Axis couldn’t be changed when device is not attached
  • Bugfix: MIDI mode for the SaitekPanels could get stuck
  • Bugfix: handling of the key down/up value boxes
  • Bugfix: value 16384 not available for the key down/up events (PMDG mouse events!)
  • Bugfix: Scripts: Forced read of LVars
  • Bugfix: Scripts: Initialization of LVars fixed
  • Bugfix: Additional initialization of “onchange” axis values

Please note that the high speed StreamDeck plugin version is progressing as well, the latest version 3.15 is available for download on the AAO website.


Is there a global event for increasing or decreasing the standby COM frequency in the A32X?

When operating with the mouse, I can select VHF1, 2 or 3 and change then use the mouse to change standby com frequency

However, with scripting I have so far only been able to change the frequency if I am on the correct VHF setting ie COM_FRACT_INC will only change when I have VHF1 selected.

So I’m summary I would like the frequency to change regardless of what VHF setting I have chosen!


I am using the following way (perhaps not elegant, but for me it works):
The idea behind:
My Script “presses the VHF2 button” each time before it turns the RMP knob ( I do not use the COM variables/events)

So for VHF2 it is:


for increasing the fractional part:


and similar turning the knob ANTICLOCKWISE to decrease.

I did not write extra scripts for VHF1, VHF2, and VHF3. I replaced the ‘2’ at the beginning with the ‘script var’ to make it more flexible. So in my case I have the script in a group called ‘02 MyA320’, the script is called ‘COMn +(Fract)’, so I replaced the ‘2’ at the beginning with (L:02·MyA320-COMn·+(Fract))


And in a similar way to swap active and standby frequency:


I hope this helps,

1 Like

That helped immensely, thank you Frank

Hi all,

i got the following behavior:

Entering this script: (A:LIGHT·BEACON,·Bool)·1·==·if{1·(>K:TOGGLE_BEACON_LIGHTS)}
Press “Test”

Got the following:

…and the switch does not move.

Press “Test” a second time and got this:

…and the switch goes “OFF”.

After this the script works perfectly after switching the BCN switch to “ON” manually.

Any idea why the script has this behavior at the first run?


EDIT: Version is 2.07 b12

Any idea why the script has this behavior at the first run?

This is normal with the “Test” button if AAO doesn’t know that you want to access this variable yet and has to establish it into the data stream first.

I will change the sequence in version 2.08. You may have to wait a little longer for the result, but it will have the correct A-Var value right away.

Sounds like a plan. Thanks a lot. :+1:

Is this still valid with the latest update?

I have the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. My Bravo profiles keep getting changed after exiting the sim (switch assignments erased, thrust axis reset). If I purchase Axis and Ohs, and I use the program to assign all my commands, 1- do I need to create a Bravo profile at all, or does Axis and Ohs take priority over the MSFS profile when running? I don’t want to purchase this program if the profile will still need to be re-programmed each time I launch the sim. Hope this makes sense. Thank you.

do I need to create a Bravo profile at all,

No. Best course of action is to remove all assignments from the sim entirely and not to use any other controller software. AAO handles all input, and controls the aircraft directly, without going through the sim controller logic.

There is a Demo version of AAO, so you can try it first, see if it fits your bill. The Demo is fully functional, but it shuts down after 20 minutes.

Excellent. Thank you.

100% with you on this one.

I tried to get it to work last night but the throttles in the FBW 320 wouldn’t move, the heading, altitude IAS didn’t work. The commands were mapped correctly as I saw the green button light up when the buttons were pressed. Tried mapping controls on a simple aircraft (172). Throttle and mixture worked, but the rudder and brakes were rapidly moving, even though there was no noise coming from the pedals. I also could not find commands to start the FBW APU. I gave up for now.

the throttles in the FBW 320 wouldn’t move

The FBW, as many other planes in MSFS, primarily reacts to the various axis events, not to the simulator variables. But which ones exactly depends on the version of the FBW plane.

Most of the other controls, like the MCP / AP, are not controlled by the default simulator events at all. Instead you have to find the LVars or Hvars they are controlled with and use those. This thread has a lot of information about that, and other users have already created scripts and templates to operate them (AFAIK some are on The LVars and HVars are not published assets of the simulator itself, they are individual to each aircraft.

Rapidly moving controls are usually caused by noisy potentiometers. The controller input resolution in AAO is higher than in the sim. If this bothers you, you will have to establish null zones, curves, detents or set a higher filter strength for the input.

I did download a FBW specific template and when I turned the + and - knob on the Bravo I saw the activations on the program, but nothing happened with the FBW. Same with the soft buttons to select HDG, ALT, etc. Re-started, connected, disconnected, couldn’t get it to work. Maybe I’ll mess around with it again later. I want to thank you for your prompt and courteous responses. You clearly care about your program and the people that use it. Thank you.

That template may have been for a different flavor of the FBW Airbus. AFAIK there are several builds out there, that all work slightly differently. Did you contact the author of the template?

No, I bet you are correct. The template was published 27 days ago for the development build, which constantly gets updated.