AxisandOhs moving to a new PC

I am getting a new PC. What files do I need to copy/backup so that everything is set back up exactly how I have it on my old PC on my new one?

Also, do I need to deactivate and reactivate a license somewhere?

Is there no email listed anywhere for lorby?

You may find the answer here:

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Thanks. I looked there. I absolutely hate dealing with avsim forums. The website looks and feels like it hasn’t been updated since the 90s.

It’s really irritating that Lorby has such inaccessible customer support. I have spad and I can go right into their discord for immediate help.

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Just did this recently and it was pretty painless. In the Tools menu choose to Create database backup. Find the .zip file it creates in your \Documents\LorbyAxisAndOhs Files folder and copy that to new PC. On the new PC you’ll choose Tools/Restore database backup and point it to that file.

You’ll then probably need to go to the Hardware/Hardware change screen and replace the old devices on the right side with your current connected devices from the left side.

I just reinstalled the app from Simmarket where I bought it, didn’t need to mess with license.

Thank you vary much