B787 landing

I just started flying the B787 yesterday (I read it was unflyable before this patch) and aside for a few bugs (notably the zig-zag to stay on course at every waypoint) and some struggles to intercept the locators for the ILS approach, I found it impossible to land.
At 30-40ft (when you put the throttle on idle) and try to flare, the aircraft literally starts to climb (at 150 knots and idled throttle) or if you manage to touch the runway, it bounces like it was on a trampoline.
Never had that problem with the A320 before.
I also noticed it stops steering while taxiing after a few turns.
Am I the only one?

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Everyone! 78X flight model in FS2020 has many problems.


Have been flying the Dreamliner everyday and have absolutely no issues with landing.

The video posted by one our forum members really helped address my technique. He shares 3 landings at different airports. This was instrumental in teaching me how it’s done.

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Since you can fly the approach at a considerable lower speed than previously, ~10kts slower.

If you fly the approach at the lower speed, you will not experience the ballooning problem.


I flew a perfect medium-weight landing yesterday (50% fuel) at about 155 knots IAS, and another today at 20% fuel at 142 knots. No problems either time.

Be sure to check the FMC Performance page for Approach and see what the estimated Vref is for whatever flap configuration is given your aircraft gross weight. You have a bit of leeway there within a half dozen knots or so, but whatever it tells you is a decent baseline to plan for.

Cut power at <50 feet AGL and begin a slow gentle flare at about 30 feet. Make sure your auto brake is set, hit the spoilers as soon as you rmain gear are down, then activate thrust reversers as needed until <60 knots.

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You can close the throttle about at 20 or 30 feet but don’t flare to 5 degrees like in the other sims. Hope this helps.

They should auto-deploy since they should have been armed during the approach.

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This thread is about the 787 (the one with two engines :wink: ), not the 747.
Since you already went to GTA 5, why are you still posting irrelevant stories here?


Why don’t you mind your own business PLZ104??!! I have a right to write what I want on these posts. I paid full price for the deluxe vision of the sim so I am a paying customer, I also paid for more money for add on’s through the market than you make so relax and let me write what I want, I have the right as anyone else. I have been true simmer using MFS for well over 20 years and a real pilot for 22 of those years so you don’t have the right to tell me anything. The fact that I use GTA 5 or whatever should not be a concern to you. You don’t work for Microsoft do you.?

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Oh, you are still here? :rofl:

Btw, I didn’t try to tell you what to do or not to do, I was simply asking a question.


Yes! and if you try to fly slower when landing, the nose automatically pushes down and your pitch inputs do nothing so you cant flare.

You’re quite the micronamanger, aren’t you? Back to my Ignore list for you. :slight_smile: