Back to Square One - “Please insert the Microsoft Flight Simulator Game Disc”

Yesterday, everything was finally working again after Sim Update 3.

This morning I get the dreaded message.

I go to the MS Store and it tells me the game is installed and to push play.

I get back to this…WTF!!

Am I the only one with this problem today? Any suggestions are welcome.


Just got the same message myself. Was working great yesterday and have never seen this before.

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Glad to see we have another Coldplay fan here :slight_smile:

But also rip sorry to hear about the issue… hope it gets resolved…

FYI fixed. For some reason my pc didn’t update time with daylights savings so the timing to validate credentials was off. Fixed it for me

I had the same problem upon startup this morning. It appears to be caused by no internet connection. I reset the computer and problem was solved. Good Luck.

Tomorrow’s error message:

“No ROM Basic, system halted”

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Fixed…Windows 10 update yesterday was not installed correctly.

I’m getting this now, it worked yesterday. Windows updates all up to date, tried restarting networking, rebooting, ensuring I’m logged in to xbox app. :frowning: Just tried setting auto timezone settings. Will try another reboot now.

Having the same issue. MSFS was fine until last night. I didn’t update anything in the meantime. Internet connection is fine. I’ll try a reboot. The number of issues this thing has never ceases to amaze me.

Same here, just booted up and get this. Windows is up to date and have rebooted a couple of times.

Had no problem yesterday.

same issue. Happy to see I am not the only one. Looks like Microsoft Store is broken also, maybe that’s the reason.

Can anybody confirm if the Xbox servers are having issues. I get a prompt stating that my license cannot be verfified and selecting a server in game just gives me a waiting circle.

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Same problem for me…2 hours ago everthing was fine!

That’s a good idea, this looks most likely like yet another issue with the authentication servers, especially as it seems to be affecting several people by the looks of it.

same here, windows latest update installed correctly :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Definitely some server issues. My license can’t be verified on start up. I can’t select servers in-game. Starting a flight puts my aircraft in the offline environment, while all data settings are set to “on”.

I see on this site

that microsoft servers has massive problems at this moment.

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oh well, glad to see I’m in good company. I think I’ll switch off the PC for the night and go enjoy a nice single malt.


I am having the same issue.

Same problem for me too!

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