Back to Square One - “Please insert the Microsoft Flight Simulator Game Disc”

Same thing here

Same here (Frankfurt, Germany).
2h ago everything was just fine. After dinner I came back to my PC, loaded FS and got the Insert Disk message.

I noticed that in MS store I can not access the game either. Other games in the store open without problem.

So it must be something FS related.

Single Malt it is for me too!

Note sure if the OP was getting the same message that I have except mine is the MS Store version:


I’ve already logged out, and back in again, to the MS Store, and the XBox Companion app.

The latest cumulative update installed yesterday, and I was able to fly for a couple of hours after that, but not today.


I had that message a couple of times and even got in to fly, albeit in single player, but now I just get the “insert disk” message.

Same problem yesterday windows updated and tonight fs does not start, it asks me to insert the disk …

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So after a reboot, I then got this:


I never had a disk in the first place! :rofl:


I wonder if it would actually work even if we had a disc. Probably not.

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I’ve just had a look at the list of software I have installed, and there are usually two items. The sim itself, plus the digital ownership.

I have lost the digital ownership object. That makes sense given the messages above.

Yep Same here there is 3 of us that were going to do flight tonight all got the same on our screens in the uk


I’m not sure if it’s the KB5000802 update causing the problem as my PC installed that update yesterday evening and I’ve been able to use MSFS after the installation. I was using MSFS this afternoon but when I went to load it just now it comes up with that message. The Xbox service status page shows an issue with store and subscriptions.

Although the OP might have been another problem


To Zendesk!

No i don’t think so, we have just checked and we all updated last week 10/3/2021 and have flown every day since

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I started the windows update to 20H2, hopefully good

Apparently DRM servers are down (having issues ) will be rectified shortly probably tomorrow lol

This can’t really be an issue with Windows updates. There are people (me included) who did the update a week ago and have been happily flying ever since. This is something that began a few minutes ago.

I still have the problem…updated pc internet connection is fine. any answers from microsoft ?

Aerosoft and a shed load of wannabe CRJ pilots, including me, aren’t going to be happy if it’s down until tomorrow.

Same issue here as well. But I cannot reach MS Teams, and even not outlook. Probably all these problems have the same cause I guess.

i also have the connection that works