Back to Square One - “Please insert the Microsoft Flight Simulator Game Disc”

Thanks for posting, PilotMonster126 !

Gonna postpone this thing… :neutral_face: hope they’ll solve it in the meantime

Tweet from Xbox Support:

Our teams are aware that some users may experience difficulties with Game Streaming and Purchases at the moment. Know that our teams are working to get things resolved as we Tweet. We'll be sure to post updates here as they become available.

— Xbox Support (@XboxSupport) March 15, 2021

Looking on it appears several MS services are also experiencing problems.

I just noticed I had an error on the Windows Update screen. I hit retry, and now I see this:


It looks like the 2021-01 Cumulative update has a new version. This is what I had installed previously:


I’m going to install them both, then reboot, and see how it goes.

I was able to log in to MS Teams.

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Pfffff Great… :clap:t2: :triumph:

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This is really poor. If there are DRM server issues then there should be a way to just get in with a temporary “ok” validation. This is a bit like being guilty until proven innocent.


I can download the update but then the installation does not start …

I have the same problem right now

What I find amazing about this is I had already downloaded to my machine the sim, and the digital fingerprint of my owning a legitimate copy of the sim. They have an issue online, and now I don’t have the digital ownership any more.

That’s quite a disturbing way for a DRM to fail. It’s kind of like Steam removing a game from your library.


Same problem getting the “insert disc” message. Seems like a new issue every day! At least we know it’s a problem at their end and not our hardware. Let’s hope it’s working by tomorrow.

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I agree. It’s pretty poor that the game fails to load as soon as the server goes down. There needs to be a way in which the user can continue to use the game for say 24 hours before being required to connect to the server to confirm a valid licence.


Got this from support:

Thanks for contacting Microsoft Flight Simulator Support today. There is currently a service outage which is affecting the DRM check required to run the simulation. This issue should be resolved shortly:
Xbox Support


let me understand the problem and that the server does not recognize our regular license?

Yes, they cannot confirm we own the product. From the image I posted above, It looks like you couldn’t redeem codes, or perhaps make any purchases either.

the server has probably crashed or, probably, is currently being rebooted, so checking authentication details isn’t going to happen, until it’s back up.

I had to laugh at that, their outage states limited, yet it stops me from using the Simulator. HMMMM !!

thanks, at least that reassures me

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the time it takes to come back up is likely to depend on what caused it to crash in the first place, but we’ll be positive and just say that a cleaner had unplugged it to do the hoovering. :wink:


It’s an old meme, but it checks out.


MSFS seems too reliant on a server connection despite a lot of the files residing on my PC. Alright I might not get a brilliant simming experience but it’s better than being locked out as soon as the server goes down.

Relax people … they are rolling out the “hot fix” :laughing: :thinking: