Back to the install CTD - no success after three days! need help

Installing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

I use a Win10 (1909) MSI Cx62 6QD laptop, i7, nvidia 940MX, 16Gb ram, 500Gb SSD.

I naively thought when I purchased the boxed Standard set (10 DVD) that is was just a matter of installing them and enjoying the experience of flying. The msfs Handbook, p7 said 150 Gb space was required. I cleaned up C: drive to make sure 150 Gb was available.

There was nothing on the packaging about “mandatory” internet connection or “mandatory” signing up to Microsoft Store.

It took four hours (!!) to install all the DVD’s. I then had to log into Microsoft Store to obtain the “Download Software Launcher”. This required the entry of the 25 digit Activation code, supplied with the DVD’s.

That’s when things went wrong!

After entering the code a message came up saying >100Gb of space was required. With the icons/ pictures of the msfs packaging prominent, I assumed this meant it was going to download the whole content already downloaded from the DVD’s. A moment of panic.

Eventually I took step of saying OK…. But the remaining space on C: drive (about 30Gb) was not enough for the 120Gb “new” download. I had to clean out my D: drive and nominate a folder there.

Initially the download was 62Mb file, followed by a 1.2Gb file.

Then came the answer……There was a “Mandatory Update” of 115.3Gb (turned out to be 120.38Gb!!!)

It asked to install the game DVD… Which one? I have ten disks! Decided to load disk #1, seemed to work.

I gave it 6 hours, then left it overnight…. It took more than 12 hours to download. (ave 25 Mbits/s)

After 24 hours I still have NOT successfully installed msfs!!

It crashes to the Desktop (CTD) before completing the install. It gets as far as “World Improvements” – Spain/ Portugal etc. then crashes.

There’s a long thread (going back to 2019) on “failure to install – CTD”

The main successful solution seemed to be:

cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App –FastLaunch

This was tried numerous times…

Working in safe mode

While checking for upgrades – black screen – blue line at bottom, then CTD.

Checked for Win 10 upgrades – installed the latest Win10 upgrade 21H2

Removed the Realtek Audio 11.8.21

Tracked the error through Event Viewer:

Module d3ll.dll Ver

Exception code 0xc0000005

#7 Trial (!!)

Moved the download data to the C:\ drive

RE-tried the – Fast Launch

This time it looked for Updates and showed 92Gb as “Mandatory Update”

Started, 7:40pm. Download continued……

Now 9am on the third day and still no msfs2020…………

Rebooted laptop

Retried the – Fast Launch

Got to “Checking for updates”, Black screen, Blue line (about 50%) then CTD!!!

Looking back on things, I do note that msfs raised a message “Your computer doesn’t meet minimum requirement and performance may be compromised.” The MSI spec (see above) looks OK???

Where do I go from here? Need help.

One place to start is in your virtual memory.
Do you run system managed or custom?
With 16Gb ram, you will probably need to run a custom size.
Another place to start is here. At the end of the list are links to the next volumes if needed.

Sorry mate, don’t understand what is required.
Yes, I’ve been through that link (and many more!!)
The Community Folder is empty.

Good, 1909 is end-of-live since a year!

d3d11.dll points to a issue with your gpu or gpu driver.

Please check your GPU drivers at first and share the installed nvidia driver version.

Note that the 940MX is a laptop GPU and below the minimum spec , which match with the message you got:

You can try to limit the load on the gpu with limiting the maximum fps in nvidia control center, but may be this will not help… this card is very slow and will run allways in full load.

what @TheSevenflyer mention is , that lots of users with 16GIG RAM and less free disc space ( and I assume your 500GIG disc is nearly full ) run into pagefile issues. Here is a big topic about:
Finally.....Solved CTD issues... for those of us with < 32 GB ram - #57 by MSFSRonS and Ron show pictures how to reach the settings dialog. Please set a minimum value of 8000 and a Maximum Value of 25000.

You can also find additional hints about “Black Screen” , “Blue line 50%” , etc… in forum and in FAQ

There are other reasons possible… Please check windows event viewer whether you see other error messages than the d3d11.dll.
With the infos we “currently” have the most probably reason is your system. I recommend to check at MSI side that you have all drivers updated, etc… ( may be MSI Global - The Leading Brand in High-end Gaming & Professional Creation | MSI Global - The Leading Brand in High-end Gaming & Professional Creation ).

PS. we dont like duplicate posts:

Please stay focused in this topic here.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
I apologize for the duplicate postings - a sign of the depth of the frustration.
I’ve gone through ALL the links etc. with no success.
I’ve reached to conclusion that my current MSI laptop can’t run msfs2020.
I now have to decide if it’s worth $2000 to upgrade to a suitable laptop or give it away and remain with FSX.

here I can not help :slight_smile: … but MSFS is in point of “view” another world than FSX.

We have users which use MSFS also not with the Highest-End-System in the world and may be you can get some hints to get it running on your system: ( Example our Arcane : Never CTD 1.5 years, but in last month 80% of times - #19 by ArcanePython931 ). But I think also these laptops are much newer than yours ( gpu, also cpu which is in your case 6th gen. i7 , etc. ) and not sure whether you can much enjoy the game, also in case it would works.

OK, bit the bullet and bought a new MSI gaming laptop with RTX graphics etc.
msfs2020 installed with no issues!
Up and running (with the old Sidewinder FF2!) and I’ve even spent more money (!!) and downloaded the excellent Piper Warrior from Just Flight.
(I’d like to replicate my flight training with VH-WHA back in the 90’s)
Looking good so far!