Badges from unlocked achievements have disappeared

So for the last week I noticed the badges representing my current unlocked acheivments had dissapeared from my showcase page. Upon closer inspection, the acheivements that I’ve currently unlocked still show as unlocked but on the statistics page, the details which led to me aquiring them have been completely reset.

The one in particular that has made me really angry is the land at 500 airports acheivment. I was at 100+ after exactly 2 years of Flight Simulator graft. All gone! It now says I’ve only landed at 11 different airports. Luckily though, my Logbook still appears to be complete and intact so I counted back to my last 11 different airport landings and it seems that this problem sprung up exactly a week ago on Friday 10th March 2023. Why, I don’t know. Were there any updates pushed through on that date does anyone know? There were no problems with Steam or their servers (as I initially assumed) as they have server resets on a Tuesday.

I’ve also noticed the game is a bit unstable over the last week. Heavy stuttering, a low bandwith warning regarding geometry yesterday and even my first crash to desktop since last year happened today.

What’s going on?


Well seen as no moderators or devs have jumped on to offer me any help or explaination, I went ahead and started the World Traveller achievement again and noticed in a bit more detail what seems to be happening.

My Steam showcase says the achievement is still at 25% complete which will be 125 different airports. However my MSFS statistics page is currently at 42 after starting again.

Some airports I’ve had to land at TWICE before they are recorded as a landing on the statistics page. And yes, I know I have to contact ground and pull off onto the taxiways in order to register a landing. It’s always been that way. The fact is, I now have to land and pull off onto the taxiways TWICE on some airports before it counts as a landing on the stats page.

Landing at Heathrow no matter what runway or how many times, doesn’t count as a landing at all on the statistics page. Ever. Only in the logbook.

Like Heathrow, landing at Paris Orly, doesnt register on the statistics page at all. Again however after trying multiple runways, the logbook shows I in fact landed at Orly Heliport VOL2C not the actual airport LFPO. I dread to imagine how many other airports these problems may be happening on.

So my questions are:

  1. Why does data keep disapearing like this?

  2. Where is it located/stored? Locally or the cloud?

  3. Is there a fix/fudge to restore the lost stats?

  4. What’s causing some airport landings not to register after the first succesful landing? In Heathrow’s case not registering at all.

  5. Why is Paris Orly registering runway landings as landing at the heliport and not the airport itself?

  6. And is there any chance of a detailed record of the airports/airfields/heliports we’ve all landed at being implemented into the game. Because at the moment it’s a living nightmare to keep up with. Maybe if airports we’ve landed at on the world map could display in a different colour perhaps? Just an idea.

Thank you.

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I never had to go on till taxying until the landing counted. Just had to drop the plane on the designated runway area (on grass fields it is sometimes difficult to see the boundaries).

I however noticed that in rare cases I had to land twice.

I lost a huge amount of hours flight time and I think it was because I used quick resume (XBox Series X). This might be the same issue with loosing number of airports you landed on?
Since then I always shut down MSFS and XBox completely every time.

I’m not on XBOX, I’m on Steam and have no idea of what you mean by “quick resume?”

Quick resume is a feature on Xbox where you can just switch of the box and resume MSFS or an ongoing flight even when powered on again. However with the risk of the problem you described. Reason might he that there is no regular sync to the servers when you do not shut down and power but use quick resume. So in effect the outcome for me on Xbox is similar to what you experienced on your PC.

You don’t need to leave the runway actually, you just need to slow down to the speed that ATC would then instruct you to vacate the runway, which is about 40kts if I remember right. You can touch and go, and still register a landing. You’ll know it’s registered as you will see the spinning indicator at the bottom right pop up as you decelerate.

Ah I understand now. No, no quick resume for me. I usually just do short haul-flights from the UK to mainland Europe. Prior to discovering this issue, I used to do a lot of long haul and transatlantic flights but stopped as like most people, I don’t like the feeling of having more of my time wasted further.

So yesterday, I just opened the world map selected a few airports as arrival with no departure points. This just sets you up on the final approach and only takes 3-4 mins to complete a landing. Good for testing.

I have no idea what is causing this but some sort of recognition or communication from a dev on all the points I highlighted, would’ve been nice. However, I was inboxed by a mod who said in no uncertain terms that mods aren’t support on here and to use the zen desk.

Oh well…

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well, moderators of a forum have to moderate the forum and are not personal supporters :wink:

We have some topics where users lost the settings, achievements “in-game” ( not steam ). You can check for that existing topics if you use the forums search-function. I’am not sure whether the achievements can come back. It is stored somewhere on the servers. May be you can contact the support directly.

For the logbock, input-profiles, etc. we described often in forum how users can create a local backup, in special easy for Steam users. But whether that bring back the achievements, I fear not.

Example, which is also relavant for your topic ( users also disuss the achievement )

Personal opinion: lots of us not have that in focus. As view of simmers, are achievements good for nothing. But of course might users unhappy, if that happens and it should not happen.

Couple of thoughts.
Xbox app installed, signed into and running?
Dev mode is off?

Whatever you consider achievements to be, just looking at them would be jumping too short. If bush trip achievements, flight hours and log book entries can get lost due to server and data sync problems ones bought and owned airports, sceneries, airplanes… you name it… can possibly get lost too. That would concern us all, wouldn’t it?

thats a different thing and not what I meant.

Lose of payd digital content have a completly different prio and I know not a case where that happens. We had some issues with buy some content in marketplace and e.g. topics like “how we can prove what we bought, in special for Steam users”. But I know no case where the support not helped here.

The chaos with the achievments, also the sync with steam, etc. is a old as the game. In first ‘weeks’ I also checked some of it, in meanwhile I dont care about. I also not care about the flight-hours, etc… its for me completlely unintressting ( don’t forget, I speak for me and its not meant in a bad way ) . I fly because I like to fly, same as in DCS and the others Flight-Sim which not try to be a xbox-game and offere achievements :slight_smile: … but as sayd, if a game offer such features, it should work fine and user should not lost a single achievement.

I can not say why it happens. May be a simple relogin in xbox app can really help, as @ccrbc mentioned… but I have not big hope. Beside of the flight-hours, which run completly out-of-sync, I never lost somewhat in that way. Some achievments are not correct detected, but thats an ages-old-topic.
( I doubled checked it now, not that in meanwhile my in-game achievments are also gone: but no, all is there )