Before you buy the captain sim hercules C-130

I posted this a while ago, July 21,2021, and you can get a refund if you purchased from Market Place (if you went through Xbox), Just copy the link:

Just found a way via XBox to request a refund, link is below. Go to the link below, login, Click ‘Contact Us’, then select ‘Subscriptions and Billing’, then select ‘I want a refund’, select the item and fill out the information. I submitted the request and it was approved! If Microsoft/Asobo put **** on the Market Place, then they need to offer refunds if it doesn’t work. The price was only $14.99 which is nothing but, it’s something when a lot of folks get in the same boat.

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When CS came out with the 777 I read the reviews. After reading about how CS copied various aspects of other aircraft and threw it in a 777 body I didn’t think they could get much lower. They proved me wrong. I consider myself a serious simmer, but even for casual fliers this still seems like an insult. It’s situations like this that make me so thankful for developers like FBW and Salty Sim for creating pretty decent products for free.


Folks, stop calling out individuals and entities. The Third Party forums are for General Discussion of an aftermarket or non MS product. This is NOT a Complaint Board. Take those directly to whom you wish to express your dissatisfaction, but not here. Last call.

Posting items from other sims is also Off-Topic. Feel free to discuss DCS options elsewhere, just not here.


It was not that long ago that Captain Sim was in a copyright spat with the modders. Same type of thing with AS. And the same clique is trying all over the internet to convince others not to buy from Capn Sim or AS.

purely metaphorical - point is that once upon a time they were more or less reputable - now they’re not. That’s all


Please STOP CS… You have (had) a very good reputation in the flight Sim community. Please stop destroying it.


Based on the screenshot above about +2K sales to date for CS products. So while there are many forum posts making critical comments against CS, it doesn’t seem to affect their customer base nor the sales.

End of the day as long as there are significant number of buyers keen on their products CS would happily continue to fulfill to their demand.

The fact that I or many others here don’t support them is immaterial to their business.


I think some of the comments in this thread could be seen as liable even if they are true they damage a company reputation in a public forum.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people buy this garbage. We already see a lot of people flying around in these alien jet fighters with Garmin displays. I haven’t used X-Plane or P3D, do people buy those kind of planes in those sims too or is it MSFS users being way too casual?

FSX steam edition had a lot of this too

Please, you awesome and talented modders, please please do NOT come up with a freeware VC for this one.
Do not let mediocre devs entice you to do their work for them for free.


That’s not how libel works. Nothing in this thread is libel for several reasons. Damaging somebody’s reputation by speaking the truth is never libel. Furthermore, damaging somebody else’s reputation by not speaking the truth is also not libel if the person believes what they are saying to be true. Damaging somebody’s reputation by speaking your opinion is never libel because it is just your opinion and not meant to be taken as fact.

So basically, you have to prove that somebody is intentionally presenting a lie as fact with intent to harm the company. That’s not happening here.


There’s clearly a wide spectrum of people that play the sim. From purists who build their own 3d cockpits to people who never use the cockpit view, don’t follow charts, checklists etc. I myself am not a purist, but I am somewhere towards that notion.

This stuff is aimed at people that don’t care about authenticity, or systems modelling, they just want to fly in external view and look at stuff. And that’s fine.

But yeah, I don’t like these products. And I just hope people do their research before buying. I think less of this stuff would be sold if a lot of people (who you see complaining after the fact) just read a few lines of text, or watched a few videos.

If people realise that they’re getting a bare bones product for a not-so-bare-bones price, snd still buy it, then that’s good for them.

CS are completely upfront about this. There is no deception.

C-130 Captain Exterior for MSFS 2020

No virtual cockpit, exterior model only

They couldn’t make it any clearer than that.

Although on another part of their page, this made me smile:

As others already said, at the price point this will likely sell well, and encourage them to make more just like this.


I agree, the marketing is not deceptive. I think there’s a fundamental problem with people not reading the blurb before buying. Then whinging about it. That is what I have an issue with.

Well that, and the attitude of the developer. But, that’s their choice. However much I disagree with their apparent ethos.


I see where you’re coming from, but I disagree about the deception. When you enter the Aircraft section of the Marketplace, there are standard features you expect every product in that section to have. You expect airplanes to have a cockpit and you expect to be able to fly them. This is how they’ll fool customers, because they expect the bare minimum to be there, they’ll hastily make their purchase and realize that they’ve been had.

Is it acceptable for the Baker to put an inedible loaf of bread on the shelf as long as he puts a label on it? I think not. When you go to the bakery and grab a loaf of bread, you don’t expect to get home and see “not for human consumption” label on the package, along with “no refunds”. When you walk into the bakery, you have standard expectations of what’s inside.


Yes, I wouldn’t buy any of their products, and really as end users that is all we can do.

To be fair I have not looked at the Marketplace item so I will take a look now. What I expect to see is parity with what is on their own website.

That’s odd, I can’t find the C-130. Is it just coming to the Marketplace, and we are in a state of pre-outrage, or has it actually been released? All I can find are three 777’s, and a single 767 from CS.

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Well we’re getting into semantics there as people have different expectations and interpretations. You’re right to a degree though and I agree with you to a point, in the sense that the average simmer has a reasonable expectation that the aircraft will have a functioning cockpit haha.

But there will be some who have low/no expectations. Or, as I mentioned earlier, an unwillingness to do research, for whatever reason.

Only available through CaptainSim’s homepage. Will surely hit Simmarket and the Marktplace sooner or later.

Well, without wanting to defend CaptainSim or his new “creation”, that comparison doesn’t work. Because that would mean that the C130 wouldn’t work or fly at ALL with the sim. It does, it is just missing important key features. But it provides a basic functionality that will (unfortunately) attract enough people who will be quite content with their visual toy.

If you want to switch that over to bread you could say that the baker would be offering something that looks like a bread, which you can eat, but which will be made up of a lot of sugar and have little taste or nutritional value.
So basically the CaptainSim C130 is the toastbread among MSFS aircraft :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Check out the problems Facebook has with companies suing about bad reports.