Before you buy the captain sim hercules C-130

True, but that doesn’t mean you’d win the case if you decided to do that.

Maybe but does MS want that publicity.

If you want some of that exquisite entertainment, go to the AVSIM Forum and the C130 topic there. 6 pages of people crapping on Cpt sim for good reasons :grin: Serves them right

You’re ultimately talking about freedom of speech here. Which is protected under the first amendment. It’s very, very difficult to sue someone in America for something perceived as slander/libel.

MS is world wide.

They’re an American company, and it would depend on the country they were sued in.

The point is, it’s not slander, or libel. It’s a person’s opinion.

I basically dont care but I am stating something obvious and thats all.

Fair enough, they’re not going to sue anyone though for expressing an opinion. It isn’t the view taken by Microsoft, and Microsoft are not responsible for the views expressed on this forum, so if CS tried to sue them, it’d fall at the first hurdle.

An interesting post from someone at AVSIM if you’re not “old” enough in the flight sim hobby that will give you an idea of who Capt Sim really are no new to very shoddy practices and has been deserving no better ever since:

Someone here said:

think CS were one of the first to start selling payware aircraft as modules, back in the day for FS2004 or so.

To which it was replied by member Steve Dra

They were! I remember it even after all these years.
I was young and stupid back in the FS2004 days (just stupid now, lol). They started the infamous “Block” system when 2 companies were competing to get the 1st 757 to 2004 market. Sadly I bought into it.
CS was working on a 767 at the time, but since the LDS 767 was already out and highly popular, they saw the writing on the wall. They had lotsa’ pretty images of the 767 on their site, and it did look good (they always had a great exterior modeler). What they didn’t have was a systems/avionics/FMC coder.
Soooo…they had a brilliant (and deceptive) idea. They musta been working on the 757 exterior model because literally overnight, all the 767 marketing stuff was replaced with 757 stuff…including a pretty exterior model…a “shell” in other words (shell…see where this is going?)
They started hyping it big time, saying the model was almost done, the sounds not far behind, the flight model just a few months away…etc. Enter the “Block” system.
Block A - the exterior shell. Buy it and link it to the default 737 in fs2004 and you’ll have a 757 that flys and sounds like the default 737 (Hmmm…seems they are now doing that in MSFS?)
Block B- at this point i can’t remember the specific order they came out in…but C,D,E were things like “some” systems, sounds, flight model, connect to an iPad, etc.
The final block…block F was the avionics and FMC.
They only had Block A essentially ready when they did the bum rush to beat the others to market (I think it was LDS and Phoenix—now BBS), and needless to say, they conned a lot of folks away from those other devs (true LDS never release theirs sadly), and about 2 years and a new platform later (FSX) they finally came out with the FMC.
In the process…they made an announcement that they were cancelling all FS2004 dev work for the shiny new FSX, including the 757 Block system…and would move it to FSX. You can imagine it caused an uproar even greater than their recent brilliant idea to pull painter’s liveries off and threated to sue them. They eventually capitulated and finished it for 2004, but then never supported it as all support for FS2004 ended as well (not they ever supported a product once the next shiny new one came out…a trait they exhibit to this day.)
CS has been a sham company IMO ever since then, and every release (except maybe the 767 for P3d and the L1011) were junk in my opinion, and completely abandoned when the next project arrived.

Nice looking model but:

The Price is Wrong Losing Horn - Gaming Sound Effect (HD) - YouTube

Kind of like buying a ship in SC with no interior. Should have released it free as a mod then built a payware version. Doesn’t have to be study level but some effort would go a long way. I wouldn’t even download it for free but like I said the model looks nice.

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Wow, never knew that. That’s just awful really.

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This is not true. Marketplace purchases can be refunded. I have received two myself. The problem is they come out of your 2 per year no question refund allowance.

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And CaptainSim has practically zero reputation worldwide. Nobody would care, because CS is basically a nobody. Their case would be shot down so quickly in the courts.

I’d be interested what the question would be on that third try. Possibly what the number is for local trading standards?

No, you’re just stating things that are totally incorrect.


Exactly this. We lambasted their four-engine Boeing 777 on here, and it still sold very well…

This isn’t a fight this forum nor any other can win. CS have their target audience (a phrase I cannot repeat on here) and we just need to leave them to it.


I just was banned within 3 minutes after posting on their forums ;( and I didn’t insult anyone. I might have misspelled captain sim for captain meme though…

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The reason creators create poor quality products…
…is because it sells, people buy it.

I know, its shocking!

It’s like complaining about Justin Biebers new album being terrible. (no offence beliebers)

If it’s something I have realized more and more as i “play” msfs, is that there are alot more people “flying” in chase view than I would imagine. Isnt that one of MS/Asobos intentions - to make this ‘game’ have a broader appeal?


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Yes…Facebook claimed in court that their fact checks are opinion pieces in an attempt to avoid libel damage charges.

Let’s try and convince the public not to buy any aircraft below 4.0 Rating in marketplace. And while we are at it persuade the public not to use the Marketplace either. Brilliant!