Best video settings for the simulator

Please see attached computer specs. Can someone tell me the best video settings I should have within this simulator in setting?

screen resolution 800 x 600, set everything to minimum, turn off volumetrics and quit vsync. I promise you your frame rates will be outstanding.


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What is your price point?

I would scrap the dual GPU’s and just go with a better card.

What did that Alienware system come to price wise?

I’d also just go with the single 2TB NVMe and stay away from the Spinning disk.

I’m asking about my computer I’m asking about the settings for MSFS2020.

What do you have for a monitor? That will make a huge difference on the settings.

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I have a 32" 1080p

With that setup on 1080p, you can pretty much use the Ultra preset. That CPU should handle dialing the LOD settings up, too. I strongly suggest locking the frame rate with Vsync to either 60, or 30 if you want to turn up your render scaling a bit. I run a 2060S and can still pump out 40+ fps at 150% Scaling, but I prefer the 60fps visually and at 1080p, I am not seeing a quality trade off by up scaling that, to me, is worth the drop off in fps. That would be a personal choice, slight sharpening and increased detail at the expense of a few fps.

Also, with that CPU, I would shift “Scheduling” to the CPU rather than adding load to the GPU. In your Windows Graphics settings, turn off “Hardware Accelerated Graphics Scheduling”, (HAGS), to free up some GPU headroom.

Thanks, I changed the settings.

The frame rate would be so outstanding the monitor refresh rate can’t even keep up. :rofl:.
Make sure the render scale is 40% too.

Good joke, but…
Should OP take your advice we will have another user filling the forum with, “Graphics are horrible”, posts.
:smirk: :man_facepalming:

Come guys can I get some honest answers on the correct settings in MSFS with my system specs please? Here’s what I have now is it correct?

Look, it’s difficult to place a specific setting. My advice would be start with the most Ultra setting. And try it out. If you feel it still slightly sluggish, then start reducing settings one thing at a time, until you have the highest setting possible while you’re still able to fly with a comfortable FPS.

Even two different people with the exact same hardware can choose different graphics settings in MSFS because it’s so subjective on what looks and feels good for you.

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At 1080p, you can max out all those settings with little impact as you’re largely CPU bound at this resolution. Your GPU will be sitting there waiting for frames to be fed.

With an i9 10x and a 2080? Pretty sure the GPU will be the one to hit the wall, if they turn scaling up.
I run an i5 8x and a 2060. I run 1080p and Ultra + 400 LOD at 60fps locked.
CPU is never over 50% and GPU at 85-90%.

I’m not sure I get your point. Any time you crank up render scaling, you will start approaching a GPU bottleneck.

You’re getting constant 60 fps on 1080p Ultra + 400 LOD on an i5 8th gen? You must have one hell of a chip, or you’re greatly exaggerating your performance.

interesting, I have a 3070ti 32GB ram and i9 11900k running on a 1080p monitor.

what should my render scale be?

I have ultra preset at around 30/40 FPS at most airports and 50 plus in the air.

The easiest way is: download geforce experience and let the software choose the best settings according to your hardware (and then, delete geforce). Do some adjustments by your own and, voilá!
Some settings have major impact on your CPU and others at your GPU. Search for what impacts in what and be happy!

Absolutely don’t use GFE, it always thinks you want a massive frame rate over visual quality

How do you remove games from GFE?