Better check twice your addons (this happened)

I was flying my lovely F16 by SC/DC Designs,along the coastal area of Tuscany in Italy.
All of a sudden,a little further from the port of Spezia,i started seing Dubai landmarks,France landmarks and some others.
Instantly i thought that some other addon is messing with my Dubai ORBX scenery and with Asobo default France scenery.
I checked and de-activated every one in each flight to the same area,until i see these landmarks dissapear.
Nothing…They were always there !!
My frustration was beyond anything before👹
After some time,i reached to the last scenery addon i had for Italy and there i saw it…It was a mode for Tuscany which added world landmarks :man_facepalming: for no reason at all and i didn’t even remember downloading it.
I deleted it and all is fine again.
Seing the Eiffel tower in the coast of Italy,was prety fun though🤣

Have a nice day🥂


I just checked my “Addons” and my community folder is still BLANK. I suppose that is why I cannot even remember the last time I had a CTD.

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You’re missing a lot.
MFS world is empty without the communitys work.And i don’t ctds


Me as well!

You mean,you had this happened to you too?

No, :laughing:but I liked the story, I have a lot of addons, and very few CTD’s


I just checked my Community Folder and it has 732 addon subfolders. And I have never had a CTD since I purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 in Nov 2020 :roll_eyes:


And your point to me is ? I suspect you feel that I have to have ADDONS to enjoy MSFS.
Actually, without any addons, I have the entire well rendered world to explore with quite a few aircraft and a huge variety of weather conditions that I can control. I have not seen my entire country yet and have the entire planet yet to view.
… So, I am doing well without any ADDONS so far…


Most certainly not, not by me!!

That’s the great thing about this hobby.
You can make this sim what you want it to be :+1:
Flying and enjoying is what it’s all about!


That Asobo created the Community folder to be used, not feared.

And I agree with you, MSFS 2020 is a very complete flight simulator without any addons. But when someone sees a free or payware addon that can enhance their simming experience, they should use it, not fear it. :smiley:


Could be projectcoastline-landmarks-world-optional, it seems to add fictional “what if” landmarks to italy. If you dont like it, delete the folder.

The default world is rather sterile. There are no towers, smoke stacks, etc. to correspond with VFR maps. They may not be needed but the lack of broadcast towers makes my hometown almost unrecognizable from the air.

Kennedy Space Center is void of anything, and it’s one of the worlds most significant aerospace sites in the world. With addons you get the launch pads, VAB, and other historic NASA buildings.


I am already saying that

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Agree. Sometimes I think that many give a little too much credence to Addons being the driver of CTDs in MSFS. I also am of the opinion that Asobo likes it this way because it takes some of the heat off of them and the code.

Just opinion, nothing personal or disparaging meant to either group.


Fear ? Nope none here, however, when and if MS gets all the, existing since release, bugs fixed, I will then joyfully explore the Addon community. Hope I do not have to wait too much longer… smile.

I am sure MS/Asobo wishes for us to happily purchase stuff from the Marketplace to put in our community folder because that is another income stream. Maybe the day will come that we do not have to Rename or Move our community folder prior to every update.

In the meantime, we will all just sit back and really enjoy our newest Flight Simulator Game.

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You brought adding community work to the sim in line with having CTDs/problems… What else did you expect but contra? If it was that simple…

I suppose that is why

it’s not.


Those world landmarks in Tuscany were an optional feature of the Coastline Italy addon. Normally payware, but this might have been part of the free demo available on as well.

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Well, CTD’s may very well be the result of Addons for me and others and not for you and others. Apparently, there is still lots to be fixed that has existed since release. Maybe they should put a “FixList” ahead of the “WishList”.


SU8 is supposed to be a “FixList”.
Time will tell exactly what it does remedy (cause?)!


Many airports and cities in default really are bad. Addons make them real and come to life! If you’re getting many CTD’s, then something may be off with your setup, or your system is old.
In order to get an idea of what may be happening, PLEASE POST YOUR SPECS, or these posts are useless and help no one, except bragging rights.
(i7-10700, RTX3080, 32G, G2)

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