Better check twice your addons (this happened)

There are GOOD addons ,and there are addons that cause issue or conflict with others.

Mistakes Happen, and that’s OK, provided there is an efficient way to determine what is causing the issue, so it can be removed and/or reported.

There will always be case where a mistake is made, and an addon can cause an Issue.

Rather than restricting all addons, and fearing them, a far better solution is for there to be a better way, withing MSFS, to detect and Identify these issues, and which Addon is causing them.


in this case it’s down to your system. Code doesn’t decide to work due to the colour of my tshirt and crash your sim because it dislikes yours. The sim is the same and if it works here and not there then there is a local reason. AV, drivers, even badly matched hardware.

It’s everone’s decision to use addons or not, every sim is certainly made to use them, but it it nonesense to tell people the issues they have comes from using addons. Faulty or carelessly created addons excluded there is no reason why the sim should become unstable using them and the community folder. The only reason why some people have performance problems while other people don’t have them is their own computer.

For example: I have recently built a new PC to get rid of my 6th gen quadcore (i7 6700k). It was a stable system, I was able to fly without stutters and at 25-30FPS with my choice of settings. I wanted more, also for DCS where FPS is much more important than here. So I went with a totally new system optimized for each other. I got a Ryzen 9 5900x and this CPU requires correct and fast memory sticks. So I closed my eyes, ignored my wallet and purchased 32GB at 3600MHz so I got a latency of 8.888 ns. I have absolutely NO stutters now in the sim. Due to the problem with the availability of RTX 3000 cars I’m still stuck and seriously bottlenecked here now but the CPU is absolutely stunning. For the sake of knowledge and for fun we put in my old memory sticks, 10FPS less and stutters all the time.

This went off-topic but my point is: with a good and properly matched system and a bit of brain used when downloading supposed performance booster utilities there is no reason why the sim should CTD all the time or why it should stutter while it does not for so many other people. And if it does after adding certain addons then get rid of them, delete the content.xml and be fine again.

Not everyone can select and put together an optimum PC configuration that matches their needs or pocket. (but no doubt they are brilliant at other things)

The problem with many “Off the shelf, pre-configured” “Gaming?” Machines, is that they are often built to a budget and to make a profit) - that is fair enough, but where will be compromises ( and people out there, ready to rip you off !! - welcome to today’s world )

For such situations, there is always the Option to go X-Box :+1:

Certainly for many, the X-Box is an excellent choice, PROVIDED one understands the Limitations involved “before” making that decision to purchase.

For others, the X-Box is a non-starter . Each to their own.

But at least with the X-Box, you are getting a “System” that is a great “Bang for your Buck” as well as a system, whose (limited ? ) configuration should be fully supported by MSFS.

Life is full of choices - sometimes you make the right ones, sometimes the wrong ones.

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Nothing wrong with not using mods, each of us plays the game differently.
I didn’t use mods for about a month after I got the game.

However I just wanted to say I now have 120 mods and have never had a CTD. The AddOn Linker is an excellent free app that helps you manage mods. Using symbolic links it lets you create folders and keep the main mod folder anywhere on any drive outside the game.

Yes there ARE addons that can cause issues but the AOL lets you manage them very easily.


AND it helps to find CTD issues like the ModelLib naming convention. Probably another reason of many people who have a CTD every flight.


Wow, that was a lot of explanation. Not really sure what for…
I do not have CTD’s and I have no Addons at the moment. That was my choice and All is good with that choice. After fixes for things that have been awry since release, I will entertain adding something to the sim that catches my eye, until then, I am happy with the world as rendered by the core MSFS.
Enough said, I love the MSFS and hope they get some of the core flaws fixed before 2023. Maybe they will, eventually, get to multiple screens.

chatty mood :smiley:

YES !!! 100%

I didn’t know about this, thanks for sharing. What does it mean - the way the modder names the addon folder or subfolder?

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It’s my understanding that if the scenery developer uses the default name “modellib.bgl” it can or will conflict with other developers who do the same. I’ve never read the SDK and software is like magic to me so I won’t be able to go into details on this topic. But the addon linker scans the addons and if there are addons that use the default name it can rename them to ensure that there are no conflicts.

this is done under “tools” in the menu bar.


Great, thanks for the info, will keep this in mind if I have a mod issue!

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Even if, for whatever reason, you do not choose to use the Addon Linker to control whatst in your community folder (no idea why) – at least using the tool to check fro name conflicts is a very worthwhile thing to do,

Name conflicts and confusions are always going to cause you an issue.

Imagine if your parents has chose to name you “Charles Mansion” :-1:

Safe mode documentation says it’s not possible. So I guess they have no way of knowing. I had a bad CTD late yesterday. Even safe mode was crashing. It seemed to be from rolling cache.

However, I’m reminded of a time when I was a junior software engineer. My boss asked for something and I said it wasn’t possible. He said, “Make it possible.” Then got up and left the room, lol. Possible depends on management priorities.

Not sure what you mean by “safe Mode” ? If it’s MSFS mode where it does NOT load the Community folder, I cannot see what that has to do with being able to give more details to the user, why MSFS has had a CTD. ?

Hell yes. Without orbx, baijan, aerosoft, seafront, pmdg etc this sim world is fairly empty. Still a work in progress but those guys add a LOT.


I am just letting out,SEAFRONT and bringing in hnielsen791 with his awesome boats

Each to their own I guess 🤷. I much prefer SEAFRONT’s work personally and they have more contributions. GAIST is good though. Oh I forgot Drzewiecki Designs too!

I have bought both their addons for sea vessels and i uninstalled them.Their wakes are a joke as well as their ships

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Really? No one else has wakes yet and I know they will keep updating them. They’re leading in that respect. I have seen their stuff on a friends PC and loved it plus I own their St Martin and UK stuff. I think you’ll find you’re in a minority with their content being a joke tbh. I’ve heard nothing but good things and can’t wait for their Global Shiping to hit Xbox. Like I say each to their own.

I said,THEIR WAKES are a joke.Not their whole content.
Go check the guy i posted and see what wakes and ship models,really mean.And it’s free