Better check twice your addons (this happened)

You did say content but yeah I agree Henrik has some nice ships and new wakes look nice, although the proof is in what they look like when they move of course. There’s only so much we get from screenshots. I have used GAIST years ago so know its good especially for free. I personally prefer the seafront content for more than just the wakes though. I really like their take on the ships which for me fit better into the world and I want the global shipping to be fixed (hopefully soon on xbox) because of the amount of ships - and I don’t mean variety although that’s a nice to have. It’s all good to have more. To your original point, it’s the third party devs that make this so much better than its default including the range and choice of stuff.

hey, why not both. I mean they don’t bother. :wink:

I have not had a CTD since the last fix update! Unbelievable!

Same here, no CTD’s for a long time. I am probably not exercising the FS hard enough. Even when I hot swap drives and move to Windows 11, I see no CTD’s. guess I will have to strain the system a bit and see what gives. I am still planning on waiting until MS/Asobo Fixes most of the glitches that have plauged the sim since release, to add Addons… Happy as is right now. The graphics, especially in my hometown of Pensacola, FL (KPNS) is pretty darn good. Better than any other PC Flight Sim on the market.

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